Ch 9 - Woman Boner

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Warning - The end of this chapter will contain darker themes of child abuse, flashbacks, and PTSD. I advise you to skip that part if these topics upset you.

(The night you ran off.)

"OH FUCK! I MUST BE OUT OF MY MIND!" I laughed manically through the hallways slicing and pushing zombies. I was wearing my duffle bag like a backpack and running down the hall.

I had the medical supplies from the nurses office in my bag. All I have to do now is go back to the room. I ran to the staircase, but stopped.

I looked up to see a group of zombies all along the stairs. Crap! I yelped and stared to run across and back down the hallway. Again, I stopped as I saw a horde of zombies. Double crap!

I looked towards the window. I'm only on the first floor, I can make a break for it! I opened the window and jumped out and curse wildly with zombies falling out trying to chase me.

I didn't look back and ran into the night

Gwi-nam's pov:

I stood behind a building and looked around the corner. Dammit there had to be something I can use to get out of here. I continued to look until my eyes landed on a bike. Bingo!

Suddenly I heard crazed laughter coming across the field. I looked over to see a girl killing zombies left and right as she ran down the field. Most of the zombies were running her way.

Then I noticed what her target was.

She was after the bike. I quickly lept out from behind the building. That's my bike!

Soon enough zombies started noticing me too, and they started chasing me. I pushed past then and ran towards the bike. I grabbed the handle when all of a sudden another person grabbed it.

It was a girl who glared up at me. The infamous y/n.

"That's my bike!" She yelled and pulled. I pulled back, until we both turned our head to the screeching zombies.

We started pushing the bike onto the sidewalk. "You peddle! I'll slice!" She yelled. "Don't tell me what to do woman!" I shouted with annoyance. "Fine then I'll peddle and you slice!" She argued. "No, I'll do it, your too weak." I said and sat on the bike seat as she grumbled angrily.

She hopped on the metal part behind me and I started peddling as fast as I could. "Oi! Pick up the pace mullet!" She yelled and wacked my head.

"Don't call me that, and I'm trying! It's the bike chain!" I snapped back. She huffed and jumped off, with me following behind her. I pushed the bike behind us and we ran with the zombies tailing us.

I kept running until I felt the girl yank my hand. She pulled me through the entrance of the school and down the hall. Suddenly zombies popped out from a room in front of us, making her slice them without hesitation. Woah.

This time I was the one to pull her into a room. She slammed the door while the zombies went after me. For fucks sake!

I started to fight the zombies and killed them one by one. Once I finished I stood in the middle of the room breathing heavily. I turned around to face the girl who was sitting on the floor with a hand over her blushing face. She looked at me in awe with her knife in her hand.

"I think I just got a woman boner." She smiled and let her knife's blade glide down her cheek, leaving a trail of zombie blood. Fuck.

She immediately stood up and glared at me, "I still think your repulsive though." This chicks insane.

Your pov:

I plopped myself onto the sofa and sighed. "God I need to lay off the cigarettes." I said out of breath. The boy simply raised a brow and sat on the sofa in front of me.

"Your fucking nuts." He huffed and laid down. I simply shrugged and pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Want one?" I asked. "Weren't you just complaining a second ago about your smoking habit?" He said and turned to me.

"I'm dieing young anyways, wether it's from zombies or lung cancer." I said and took a puff. "So. Whats your name Mr. mullet?" I asked. He immediately stood up enraged. He pointed his knife at me, "What did I tell you about calling me that?"

I smiled and responded, "Damn don't get your panties in a bunch. I'm only calling you that since I don't know your name." He growled and said, "You should already know it."

I raised my brow, "Don't start thinking your all that, I've never heard of you." He looked at me like I was and idiot.

"I'm your brothers friend..." he said and I crossed my arms. "We met at that party..." I shook my head. He sat down with a hand on his forehead, "My name is Gwi-nam."

"Oh! Oh okay! Gwi-nam! Yea!" I said pretending I knew who that was. "You still don't know do you?" He deadpanned. "No sorry." I said and leaned back continuing to smoke.

He 'Tched' and turn over on the couch with his back facing me. I sighed and squished the head of my cigar into the arm of the sofa. What a night.


I was running down a small hallway crying. The walls were covered in stains and cigarette burns. The wood was damaged with scratch marks on the floor. I ran into a room and slammed the door behind me. I pushed a chair under the handle and sat in a corner of the room.

Suddenly I heard stomps coming down the hallway and the doorknob started rattling. I screamed and grabbed my hair. I turned and looked at myself in a mirror on my closet door. I was a little girl again and sobbing my eyes out.

I closed my eyes and heard the yelling and barking behind the door, "Open the door y/n! I'm gonna fuck you up! You pathetic girl! I'll get the dog on ya again!" Suddenly the door slammed opened and I let out a scream.

I never opened my eyes, and could only feel the tight hold on my arm and me getting dragged along the floor. I kept yelling no. They didn't listen though .

We stopped and I opened my eyes and looked up to the person holding my arm. It was a disgusting and disfigured mash between a man and woman. I looked behind them to see a little boy crying in the back. He was covered in cuts and bruises. There was a dog being held on a leash barking it's head off.

I felt myself falling, and I reached out to the smiling figure. I felt myself land and scream in pain. The person let go of the leash and the dog ran down the stairs.

The only thing left to hear were my bloodcurdling screams...


Suddenly I gasp and sat up with my eyes open and my heart beating rapidly. I didn't seem to notice me holding my switch blade to someone's throat.

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