Ch9: Express

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The secret beach wasn't so much of a secret as it was just plain difficult to get to. And with enough soft, sandy real-estate along the coast, why bother swimming 100 feet around jagged rock only to be greeted by seaweed brushing your feet and the paranoia of it also not being seaweed?

While this natural deterrence was enough for most people, Wayne Conservations bought the land and made it a private sanctuary for the local animals, which Batman also kindly referred to the team as when he first showed us the beach.

With few animals living on this beach and forest leading up to the mountain, his main intention was of course to use the area for tactical sea training with first approaches to land. I couldn't tell you how many bad guy secret layers were on islands, it's like there's a whole real-estate market for them. Having this training spot made sense.

For us though, the difficult-to-get-to-beach (aka secret beach) offered privacy to use our powers outdoors in swimwear. The attention Kaldur could bring with his waves, or M'gann floating in the sky to smash a volleyball, or Conner throwing a football way out to sea only for me to run on water to catch it would be too much attention—plus a giant, genetically modified wolf made people (and other domesticated canines) nervous.

Standing at the end of the public beach, Dick and I took off our sandals and shirts and placed them in our waterproof rucksacks. The toned figure standing before me made my stomach uneasy, like the nervousness before going on stage or that moment before a first kiss. Dick's black hair appeared almost brown in sunlight. The muscles of his right shoulder flexed as he shielded his eyes from the sun with his hand. Dick gazed out to the sea.

"The water seems a bit turbulent, don't you think?" The boy stayed focused on the tip of the rock formation that led into the water. "I think we should try climbing over the rock instead."

I was dying to get into the water at this point. "The rock's gonna be hot from the sun."

"The rock won't be that hot," Dick said, walking up to it. To my delight, Dick touched the rock in the way you would accidentally touch a hot stove. Well of course, not actually burning himself but still hot. Dick opened his bag and began rummaging through it.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"I brought our gloves."


"What? Batman's always prepared with his utility belt and a thousand different contingency plans."

The heat was killing me. "Why don't I just run across the water with you?"

"You know I get nauseous going at those speeds, Wally."

"Surely you have a contingency plan if the gloves were missing or destroyed?"

Dick paused. "You gonna destroy them? Hmmm?"

"No! I just reaaaallly don't wanna climb again."

"Fineeee... let me think..."

Dick walked over to some shade and sat down. After about a minute or so he shot up. "I've got it! Why don't we tie the bags together to create a small raft in the water? I'll sit on top and then you can swim behind and use your legs like a motor. That way we can stay away from the rocks and fight the current."

"See? It only took you a minute to come up with a better plan!"

"I forgot to mention—the last part of my plan is for you to go back to the cave and make you do your homework."

"I don't like your plan anymore."

* * *

It didn't take long before the bags were tied and we were waist-deep in water. While the sun was scorching, the ocean was freezing. The Atlantic clearly didn't get the memo that it was already summer. I wasn't expecting an Icelandic hot spring or anything but I also thought my legs wouldn't get numb so quickly.

"How's the water for you, Dick?"

"A little chilly if I'm being honest."

"A little?"

"Yep, just a tad cold," he said, wincing as a wave brought the water up to his chest. Dick hopped onto the bags.

"All aboard the KF Express, do you have your ticket, sir?"

"Yeah, I got it right here," Dick said, pretending to pull a card out of his pocket, only to reveal his middle finger.

"Great, thank you for choosing KF Express. Please fasten your seatbelt and keep your arms in the vehicle at all times. Exits are—everywhere. Snacks will be provided once we reach shore. Please tip your captain in barbecue chips and chocolate-covered pretzels, thank you."

"And if I refuse?"

"Passengers who do not comply with the customary tip will be taken out to sea and thrown overboard."

"Noted," Dick said, patting me on the head.

Even in the freezing water I could feel the warmth within my chest.

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