Ch14: Regal

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At the table, Dick and I sat across from M'gann, while Conner was getting our plates from the kitchen. Artemis had already gone home. She had started leaving early on Sundays since we broke up.

We worked fine on missions when there were bad guys and mayhem to attend to, but when it came to the mundane, placid times, the stillness made Artemis' feelings that much more apparent to her. On the Friday and Saturday nights she was in, she'd have dinner with M'gann and Conner, while Dick and Kaldur would have dinner with me. Hopefully things will go back to normal soon.

Tonight was Conner's turn to make dinner. While having super strength, super hearing, super reflexes, and a myriad of other super traits, the one thing he wasn't super at was cooking. Luckily he was ever-so-kindly made aware of this by his girlfriend, the wonderful Miss Martian. Since then, they cook together or Conner will make something even he can't screw up. Tonight was the latter. And tonight was... nachos.

When Conner brought over the plates and Dick saw what we were having, he laughed.

"What's so funny?" Conner said, mildly agitated.

"Oh! No—this looks great! I love nachos," Dick replied hastily, "it's just a funny coincidence that I was talking about nachos earlier with Wally."

"Oh, I see," Conner said, his tone now relaxed, "and this was funny?"

"Well, you know how Wally eats, he's like—"

"—royalty," I interjected.

Dick looked my way, smirking. "Maybe more like the king's fool..."

"Close enough to royalty..." I mumbled, looking down at my plate.

"Anyway," Dick continued, "I had suggested that Wally try improving—"

"—modifying," I interjected again.

"... modifying his eating method, particularly at Wayne Manor in front of Bruce, and that eating hand foods, like nachos, slowly without stuffing his face, would be a good place to start."

"Does Bruce not like the way Wally eats?" M'gann asked sincerely.

Dick placed a hand on my shoulder. "He had once referred to Wally as a crunchy vacuum."

Oh godddd...

"You know," Conner thought aloud, "now that you mention it, he does look and sound like a crunchy vacuum..."

I think I'm just gonna dash back to the Bialya desert and die...

"That's not true," M'gann said, coming to my defence, "he's more of a slurpy vacuum!"

Never mind.

"I'm so glad I have you as friends," I shared to the table.

M'gann chuckled, Conner gave a short nod, and Dick squeezed my shoulder. My mind wandered to imagining this moment at the table, having dinner, as a double date. M'gann and Conner, me and Dick.

I felt that sometimes we acted as if we already were. I wondered whether this was all in my head or if anyone else had noticed. And if they did, would they have said something by now? Or do they already have complete ideas of who we are, who I am, to only see what they've already seen: me and Artemis, Dick and Zatanna. Boy, girl, boy, girl. My mind wandering had led me down a melancholic path.

"You okay, Walls?" Dick whispered, leaning in.

My neutral expression must have turned blue.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I whispered back, "just a little tired."

* * *

After dinner, I was on washing duty, Dick was drying, and M'gann was using her telekinesis to put the dishes away.

You'd think we'd have a darn dishwasher in this futuristic state of the art mountain fortress. Perhaps after the third laser canon was installed the budget ran out. Bruce's excuse was that this was a good team-building exercise. But I'd argue that with all the cool gadgets he uses himself and all the ones he installed in the fortress, Batman forgot the mundane gadget that could wash dishes.

"You guys wanna watch a movie with me and Conner?" M'gann asked.

Dick looked at me, then back at M'gann. "What type of movie?" Dick asked hesitantly.

"I was thinking an 18th century drama."

"Hard pass."

M'gann turned to me, expecting I'd have a different response.

"Sorry, Megs."

M'gann looked unimpressed. "Ugh, boys. Always needing dumb explosions in movies..."

I expressed this simple pleasure, "I like when things go boom..."

Dick chimed in, "go BIG boom."

"Yeah! BIG boom," I nodded.

M'gann threw her hands up. "You guys kill me."

"Besides," I said, dashing in between M'gann and Conner, "now you two can have a date night."

Conner looked at me with a tinge of annoyance. I dashed away from his reaching radius. M'gann says Conner is very romantic, however, I've never seen it.

"What are you guys gonna watch, then?" Conner asked.

"Not sure," I said.

"We'll figure something out," Dick added.



Thanks for voting on all the chapters! :) I have another chapter for this Friday, see you then!

Also, that moment at the table when Dick leans in and asks Wally if he was okay? Reading his expression and calling him Walls, so sweet. I know I wrote it :p Just my fav part of the chapter.

I've also wrote my first post on my profile! The story has reached over 10k words, so yay

(ノ ^_^)ノ ♪

Q: Any recommendations for fun movies with plenty of explosions? Also, favourite 18th century drama with no explosions?

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