Ch18: Pinch

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I was the only super that went to my school, at least as far as I was aware of. I went to a science-focused high school in Central City, M'gann and Conner went to Happy Harbor High School, and Dick went to Gotham Academy with Artemis. I wondered if they've talked about the breakup at lunch. I haven't asked Dick if they have, though based on our conversation walking to the pier the other day, they've probably talked about it.

In my school, there were a few people I found attractive, though I'd face the same problem as Dick with Rose—keeping the hero stuff on the down-low. I've half-heartedly tried. Perhaps looking at someone half a second too long doesn't really count as trying. The ones I've found attractive only give a slight upwards nod before looking back at their friends.

One of them I particularly liked was blond and played hockey. We were acquaintances, and I was too shy to ask him to hang out. He was too much of a 'jock' anyway, he wouldn't be interested. Though then again, I was also pretty athletic and had some girls crush on me. I didn't know how to figure out if he'd actually be interested—and if I did have a way of finding out, I'd be using it on figuring out Dick. Ugh. I should try and distract myself with school so I could stop thinking about Dick Grayson and hockey boys.

School this week was uneventful. No fights, no fires in the chem lab, and no tests to worry over. The only thing to worry about then was what would happen when I see Dick after school, after his date with Rose.

* * *

When we didn't have larger missions to execute together, the team would be on patrol. Monday to Thursday: Green Arrow and Robin, Gotham; Super Boy and Miss Martian, Central; Aqualad and myself, Central; Red Tornado, Happy Harbor. Friday to Sunday: Kaldur would team up with Artemis in Gotham, while Dick would join me in Central City.

Of course, we do get night's off to rest and socialize. Batman, while perpetually on the brink of burnout, demanded that the team had a healthy work-school-life balance. A classic case of do-what-I-say, not-as-I-do. If it were not for Alfred, Batman would surely have burned out by now.

Dick's date was from around 5-7pm at one of the climbing gyms in Central City, our favourite one near my school. The climbing gym also had an obstacle course area with ropes, ladders, and every other contraption to swing and hang from. Dick would be meeting me by City Hall around 7:30 for a night of crime fighting.

I had teriyaki chicken at a place near the river. While the view was beautiful and the food was delicious, I couldn't help but feel the absence of Dick. He'd make me laugh, and I'd make him roll his eyes at something dumb I'd say. Without him, it was quiet.

After dinner, I got suited up and dashed to the park in front of City Hall. I climbed the big oak tree in the middle of the park and waited for the Boy Wonder. I closed my eyes and dozed off among the leaves.

* * *

...Wally...Wallllllllyyyy...WALLY. Wake up!

"Huh, what?"

Dick was standing on a branch on my right. "You ready to fight crime, or do you need to keep resting your delicate eyes?"

"I'll have you know I was in a food-induced coma with all the teriyaki chicken I ate."

"You went to Nakamura Grill without me?!"


"I hate you."

"Was your grilled cheese sandwich at the climbing gym not satisfactory?"

Dick planted his head on my chest. "Nooooooo," he whined, "not after hearing you had Nakamura's..."

"What's that phrase from Plato, or was it Aristotle? Sucks to suck?"

"Remind me why we're best friends?"

"Because. You'd be lost without me."

Dick pinched my cheek.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"We're best friends becaaauuse I find you the most fun to annoy," Dick said smirking. He rubbed my cheek with his thumb to soothe the area. "Now, ready to fight some crime?"

"Sure. I'll start with the criminal that just attacked me."

"He's far too out of your league in terms of strength and wit."

I grabbed Dick and rolled off the branch, plummeting to the ground. I managed to get on top and pin his hands above his head. "Strength and wit don't matter without speed."

Dick was breathing hard, must have knocked the wind out of him. "What're ya gonna do... now that you've captured me?"

"Lock you up in Arkham and throw away the keys."

"I'd escape in no time and seek my revenge."

"Sure thing, bird boy." I pinched his cheek, though only lightly. Dick laughed. I stayed there a moment longer, then reality seeped back in and I remembered where Dick was and who he was with only half an hour ago.


Q: Any restaurant or dish recommendations? Something you might not normally make at home.

Falling for Grayson : birdflashWhere stories live. Discover now