Chapter 4-Fitting in the Crowd

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It's finally the beginning of September,the weather is not too cold not too hot,just the way I like it.I sit in our balcony as I watch the leaves fall down from the trees,and the slight wind blows my hair out of my face.

To be honest,I'm kinda excited for college,I may hate school but I'm actually smart,believe it or not.I hear my mom calling my name,as I go back inside.I find her grabbing the car keys,as I go and grab my suitcase,and walk back.Lily was sitting down playing as usual.

I'm gonna miss this kiddo,

"Come on girls,it time to leave"mom says as we all leave the house and get in the car.Mom has been going to work,while I stay at home with Lily.It was really a relief,so I spent the past 2 months working on myself and taking good care of my mental health.

The day I left my job,I remember my boss,yelling at me how I'm gonna beg him to take me back.Perra.

Me and mom get in the front seats as Lily sits in her seat at the back.I put on my headphones as I play my Spotify playlist.

Autumn and Lana De Rey,what could possibly be better...

I feel my eyelids getting heavier,as I finally give up and close them,entering a deep sleep.I don't know how but,I wake up,and realize we're almost at the college.

Did I actually sleep that much?

We park in front of the school as we get out.I take out my suitcase from the back,and place it kind the ground

Wow,this school is just wow.

I look at the large campus in front of me,it kind of reminds me of Hogwarts.I feel my moms arm on my shoulder as she hugs me tightly.I turn to look at her expecting a smile,but I see tears in her eyes."mama what happened"I say.She cups my face slowly.

"Can I ask you something" I nod softly.Her hand slowly go towards my arms and holds them.Suddenly without warning she pulls my sleeves up.


She holds my wrists,as tears threaten to fall down.I look down to my wrist,looking at the red lines on them.

"My baby"she says as she hugs me crying in my arms."this is all my fault"she mutters into my shoulders.I want to tell her this isn't all her fault,but I just can't find the courage.I hug her tightly.She pulls away from our hug,taking my face with her hands."don't you dare try and take your life again,Nora Rodriguez I swear I will kill your myself"she mutters as I laugh.

I wipe the tears of her face"prometo que no lo haré mama" I say as I hug her again.I go and hug Lily,as I take her in my arms."why are you leaving us Nora?"she asks innocently,as I kiss her forehead."I'm not mi amor,I just have to go to school a bit,just like you,but I promise I'll call you everyday,deal?" I ask.

She smiles "deal"she says as she hugs me again.

I hate this,So so much.

I look back at my mom."now you go live your life okay mi vida?"she says as she waves at me one last time,before I enter the building.


The school;

The building looked literally magical

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The building looked literally magical.I have to admit,I was extremely nervous,you know why?

I wonder why.

Because I hate people,I have anxiety and this is a ticking 9000 student college.I sigh,walking into the building,as I walk towards the reception."Hi,welcome To Palm Springs Academy,can I help you?" The nice lady ask.I take a deep breath,and start talking."I'm new here,and I'm kinda looking for my dorm.She smiles"of course if you could just tell me your name,I'll find it right away"she says

"Nora Rodriguez"I say calmly.She presses a few buttons on her computer and smile."Room 423,on the left wing"she says.The campus is divided into two;Right wing for boys,and left wing for girls.

"Thank you" I say.Just as I'm leaving I hear someone's name."Nora?"I look around only to see the boy from the restaurant a few weeks ago.Miles.

He walks towards me with a smile on his face."Miles?What are you doing here?"I ask as he runs his hand through his blonde hair."I actually go here,um what about you?"he asks back.I sigh."well I just started here,todays my first day"I say nervously.

He looks at me in surprise."what about the restaurant"he says hoping he didn't say anything wrong.I smile."well my mom found a job with really good income,so I quit,and she sent me off here"I say as we both chuckle

Gosh,how can someone's smile be this effective?

"Well then,welcome to our school,Hell Academy"he says which makes me burst out in laughter.I don't remember laughing like this in ages.It felt good.

"It can't be that bad"i say wiping away my tears,as he smiles awkwardly."you'll find out soon,anyways you found your dorm yet?"he asks as I nod my head."on my way there now"I reply as he smiles

This boy really can't stay without smiling can he?

"Umm I can walk you there,only if you want of course"he says as I feel him staring to panic."Yeah i would like that"I say which makes him instantly read as we start walking towards the girls dorms.

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