Chapter 23-Finally

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Me and Eva had ran a few more meters, then went back to our dorm because she nearly fainted. I had warned her, but as usual who listens?

I laugh as she holds on to me while we walk up to the stairs, we'll basically I was walking cause I was carrying her. "Nora, hurry, I need something- something sugary" she says as I try not to laugh even more.

We finally (FINALLY) reach our dorm and get in. Then, I saw Riley.

Right. She was staying here wasn't she. Great.

She was sitting in front of the makeup mirror, applying lipgloss on her straight-ass lips.

Sorry for spilling facts?

"Oh, you're back" she says in a hurry as she puts her lipgloss back in the bag really quickly. Then it hit me. Riley was using MY lipgloss. My favorite one too.

I try to shake it off so I don't completely embarrass her and cause problems, but I knew this girl was trouble. I take Eva to her bed, and sit her down as she rests her head on the headboard.

Then I grab an orange juice from our mini refrigerator and hand it too her. Thank god she had enough energy to drink it herself.

"Thank you, my savior" she says sarcastically as I laugh. "Anytime your highness" i imitate her British accent as she drink the whole thing.

Maybe we should walk next time.

I look back at Riley, who was watching me like I was some extraordinary creature that just appeared in the room. What the hell? She turn her head away when she notices that I saw her.

I'm such an idiot for not asking Miles about this blondie. But it was too late now. School starts in about half an hour, and he's got a big game today. So I don't think we'll be seeing each other any time soon.

And honestly that made me sad. I knew that this college was really prestige and all, but I swear it's so stressful. The breaks are too short, and sometimes we don't even get breaks. Thank god Winter Holidays are approaching.

I sigh, sitting back on my bed, and start scrolling through TikTok. Again, Riley was watching me. God that was enough. "Is there a certain reason your staring?" I ask as she looks into my eyes. She luaghs.

Eva was now aware that something was going on, so she sat back up. "Nothing, just wondering how you could pull someone like Miles, never knew he lowered his standards this much" i don't even say a word.

Why would she say that? Did she really think I wasn't good enough for Miles? "That's enough, Riley" Eva says. Honestly, I didn't know what to say to that.

"Don't include yourself in other people's businesses" really Nora? That's the best thing you could've said?

She rolls those blue ugly eyes of hers, and leaves the dorm. I sigh. I shouldn't let her words get to me, but it looks like she knew Miles way before we had Met.

I get up from my bed. "Don't take her words to heart Nora-" I cut Eva off. "I won't, don't worry" I say as I grab my bag, and start putting in my books and pencil case in it. I was mad. And I'm sure Eva saw that, so she didn't force me to talk with her.


But letting a worthless piece of shit who was only trying to get to me would be an immature act. And I, I was not immature. We're just going to let this day pass by without me kicking her ass in front of every human being in this campus.

Easy, right?

Me and Eva head down to our classes. Everyone was talking about todays big game. Miles had told me how important this was for their teams future. Their opponents were also very very successful in the game,and won a few championships in their league before.

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