Chapter 35- Is This The End?

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I wish I had spent most of my life thinking about what I would do in my free time if I was locked up in a gigantic room located in the middle of nowhere because I am about to die from boredom. It's been twin fucking weeks Miles. 14 damn days and your still not here.

One would think their loved ones would do anything for them.

Dinner last week with Rylie and her family, had turned out to be about Rylie and Miles's future "wedding" planning. I was this close to grabbing the knife on the table and cutting open Rylies mothers throat, because of the way she was acting after she found out Miles was my boyfriend.

"Oh but he loves Rylie more" she said to my face. All I did was smile and pretend I didn't care, but sometimes a part of me questions that theory considering he still hasn't found me yet. I tried to unlock the door so many fucking times, but none of it worked. I even tried to seduce Alex for goodness sake so I could maybe get out but he wasn't that dumb.

This room was filled clothes and shoes and fancy pillows- nothing that particularly interested me other than the large bed I could sleep on for days,-hibernate if I could.

They hadn't even installed a punching bag in here. Boring to the least. There was just paper and pens that I didn't know what they were for, so all I could really do other than sleep was at least try to study things on my own, so I'd not forget anything.

I also thought about them often. My mom, my sister, gosh- even my dad. The amazing people I met this year that I wouldn't have thought I would meet in a million years. Eva, Lucas, Diego-Miles. I don't like this. I don't like being stuck here. I want to go back.

I need to go back.

The windows where locked. The door was locked. Every fucking thing locked. No electronics no books no food even. Just a few packs of chips and crackers in the drawers next to the bed.

I just wanna go back home. I don't want anything else. Not money not food. Just the people I love was enough. I get startled when the unlocking sound comes from the door. I get up from my seat, as the door opens, and someone-Mia-suddenly comes in then shuts the door behind her.

She slowly looks back at me as I get closer. Her eyes were red, she was breathing heavily and her hair was all messy. Wait a minute. Sweaty face, messy hair, heavy breathing- oh shit.

It couldn't be. No no no no no...

She kneels down onto the floor. As a single tear drop s from my eyes and that was it for me."Mia" I say as I kneel down next to her and grab her hand. I place my hand on her cheek, lifting her chin towards me. She suddenly wraps her arms around me and breaks down.

Like full on sobbing and heavy breathing. But it was like she didn't want to cry. "What happened? Tell me Mia, what happened." I say as I stroke her hair softly with my hands and place a kiss onto her forehead.

"I'm so tired, I-i can't do this anymore Nora I swear I cant" she say loosing breath. She looked miserable. Oh boy. "I need you to tell me what happened Mia. I need you to talk to me" i say. She lifts her head up from my arms and says one single word, that explained everything. "Alex". I clench my jaw and the fire in my chest grew.

That motherfucker dared to touch her. I have never been so disgusted so much in my life. I swear to god as soon as I get that shit in my hands I'm going to ruin him I'm going to tear him to pieces until he begs her for her forgiveness. "Has this happened before?" I ask. She nods. She nods more than twice. That isn't good.

"Ok I'm going to need you to calm down" I say as I walk her towards my bed. I sit her down slowly as she wipes away the last tears on her eyes. She slows down her breathing at last. "He does this every time. Every fucking time. And Hugo allows it. He- he even tried himself once but that was the line for me"

Those motherfuckers.
Those dirty little rats...

Words can't express how mad I was right now. And the worst part is that I didn't know what to say. At all. Knowing the feeling of being harassed, I still couldn't make a word. "What can I do to help?" I ask finally. What a stupid thing to say. There isn't anything I could do right now.

They'll do the same to me if I try to hit them and protect myself and Mia.

She brushes away the hair in her face and takes out a phone-MY PHONE- from her pocket. I stare blankly at the phone which was now looking much more Lila an escape to me. "I was able to get this back while no one was watching. Please, call someone-anyone- and save us from here. I'm begging you. They're both out right now, so no one will see."

I nod. Oh god. Oh my fucking god. "I'm going to stand i front of your door until you call. Make sure no one comes in ok?" She says as she slowly gets up from my bed. I get up and hug her tightly, only hoping I could help that beautiful souls if hers heal.

She smiles before unlocking the door and leaving. As soon as she closes and lock the door, I unlock the phone that I hadn't seen in two week, and go to my contacts faster than light. I let out a shivery breath as soon as I see over two hundred missed calls from each and every person I know.

"426 missed calls from Mi Amor"

I'm scared. So so so scared. What if this doesn't work? What if there's no service here because we're literally in the middle of a freaking forest or maybe even a jungle. I press his number anyway out of hope. "Please please please" i whisper closing my eyes,in need of hearing his voi-

"Nora?" I open my eyes in shock, when I hear MILES'S voice. I let out a soft sob nearly a whisper. "Miles..." I trail off. Now I was crying. "NORA ARE YOU OK? BABY PLEASE ANSWER ME WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU HURT? DID THAT MOTHERFUCKER TOUCH YOU NORA, I NEED YOU TO TELL ME WHERE YOU AR-"

"I don't know" I say resting my head on the edge on the bed as tears keep falling down my face. "Miles please come get me. Please..."


I smile through tears wishing they were all with me right now. I hear a son break from the other side of the phone, and then a muffled yelling sound which sounded like it came from Diego. "SHES ON THE PHONE?!?" Now I could hear him more clearly. It was him.

"NORA ARE YOU OK? TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE NORA, COME ON JOJO YOU HAVE TO TELL US, WHERE HERE OK? WERE GONNA FIND YOU" this was the first time he had called me my my middle name that was originally Jocelyn, but he used "jojo" as a nickname. I liked Nora better because my dad had chosen the name Jocelyn.

A knife was struck into my chest when I heard Miles sobbing. It was like he couldn't breath anymore. I couldn't breath anymore. A signal came from the phone that it was about to shut off because of low battery, and I knew then that I had to make it worth it.

I had to save myself and Mia. They need us.

"Forest. We're in a forest but I don't know where. It's- it's a really big hous. There's guards all over. I'm sure it's a forest. The house is off white- I mean I think" i say loosing breath. "Ok, ok we're gonna find you. I promise you were gonna get you out of there. " Lucas says getting closer.

"Miles" I say speaking through tears. "I need you to know how much I love you, ok? I know that your going to save me but just in case- just in case you never get to see me again, I need you to know I love you so fucking much. More than you could ever imagine okay?" I say holding myself from screaming so hard I lose my voice.

His sobs do nothing but increase. "No. Don't you dare think like that Nora. Cut the bullshit. I'm going to get you out of there, your gonna come home and we're going to be just fine, you hear me? Your always going to be safe and happy and I'm going to be there next to you every single time" he replies.

"Miles.." I trail off but he cuts me off. "No, im not going to listen to the dumb bullshit your sayin right now. Im coming. I'm going to save you ok? Im right here and I lov-" his voice cuts off when the phone suddenly shuts down and closes.

I start crying even harder. Slowly letting go of the phone in my hand, and pressing it agains my chest. This can't be the end of it. No it just can't be. My life has ended in bullshit many times, but this time it wasn't one of them. I am going to get the hell out of here and I Will get revenge.

I promise everyone who is going through a hard time and fighting battles right that I won't. Give. Up.

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