Chapter 25- Please Don't Go

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How could one phone call shatter your heart into pieces in a matter of seconds?

I, was a reck.
I'm never going to forget the way my heart stopped when Jake called me and told me that-

That Jace got into an accident while driving. That he was currently going to the hospital in an ambulance. That his heart wasn't beating. I tried so hard to stay calm, but I felt like I was about to die.

Especially because I hadn't talked to him for the past 2 weeks. God, I felt so guilty for not talking to him. He had tried approaching me so many times, including at the match, but I always chose to give him silent treatment.

I, hated myself.

I don't even remember how fast I arrived to my car. Everything was so blurry. I just wanted to see him. My brother.

My best friend.

And fuck, the way Nora must have been confused and worried is killing me. Everything had to happen just as I was finally about to have her to my own, finally touch that goddess body if hers didn't it?

I think I was going mad, which is why I crossed the speed limit. I couldn't even notice how scared she was until she told me. Her voice has the affect of calming me down some how.

Here i am, trying so hard not to kill myself while we wait for anything to happen. All I wanted was for him to be okay, I didn't give a damn about anything else.

Unlike my father, who didn't seem to give a damn that his son could be, hell, dying inside maybe. I didn't want to see him here, especially while Nora was with me. The way he looked at her disgusted me so much I was surprised I didn't slam my fist into his face.

How dare he look at her?

But I was to tired and recked right now to think if his ugly face. Nora was in my arms, her hair in my face, and her body wrapped around mine to comfort me.

And hell, was it working.

She was the only reason I hadn't lost control and went into the operating room myself. A few minutes later, 2 of the doctors inside exit the operating room, as we all jump from our places.

My dad comes back in sight, as the doctors greet him. "So um, we have news" I get as close to them as possible, hoping for any good news. "Fortunately, we were able to save his leg, and his brain injury wasn't very serious, so he made it"

Oh thank god.

I take my head between my arms, as Nora hugs me. Fuck, I'm getting emotional again. "Thank god, thank god, thank god" I mutter into her neck. He was okay. My baby bro was okay.

I hug Jake and Elliot, as they were as shocked as I was. "But, that doesn't mean that there isn't bad news as well" i turn my head back to the doctors. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

"We did save his leg, but unfortunately the injury was to big. Let alone walking is going to take a long time, but he unfortunately wont be able to play football again"

He wont be able to play football again
He wont be able to play football again
He won't be able to play football again
He won't be able to play football  again

The words echo in my head. My brother, wasn't going to be able to play again. The star of our team wasn't going to be able to play again. He isn't going to be able to be a professional player like he wanted.

He wont be able to pursue his dream anymore.

"That can't be true" Jake suddenly blurts out at the doctor. His hands were at his head, as he couldn't believe what he just heard. I let out a shaky breath.

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