In the world full of unusual creatures and humans, there lived an extraordinary soul that roamed the wondrous world.
Elora, a maiden who's parents were once the strongest ancient warriors that died during the Great War. She sadly grew up without the...
Before the world was made, there once was a special being named Athena. Although humans never existed before, she was responsible for everyone's existence. Athena formed the moon, stars and the sun. Once that was complete, she created smaller versions of herself with different genders, appearances, and special abilities. These were called Gods.
Gredia the goddess of the stars, Imera the goddess of nature, Niorr the god of fire, Aella the goddess of the moon, Ottar the god of the sun, Zaphin the goddess of wind, Inos the god of earth, and Narena the goddess of water. These were some of the gods and goddesses amongst the many more.
Athena then created spheres of solid materials and called them Planets. But the most special among these was the planet called Earth. Water filled the areas and was named the ocean, Rocks began forming in the middle and called it land.
She made life forms that were furry, hairless, shiny, and feathery calling these living beings Animals.
And finally, the last class of livings were called Humans. Together, the gods, the animals, and the humans roamed Earth and soonly spreaded across these lands and waters.
Before the gods ascended to their paradise, they chose five humans who were thought to be very unique. The land that was once big was then divided to many pieces. These five unique humans were taken to the biggest ones and was told to rule these lands.
Hethum the king of Solis, Nicolas the king of Elirid, Thesieus the king of Khovalon, Irene the queen of Edreniel, and Arwen the queen of Aziris.
These five rulers began their reign , populated, and developed their empire. When the gods left to live in the paradise, the five nations declared war against each other. Destruction was brought to these lands and soldiers were put to death. After the Great War died down, peace was restored to the nations once again. Population even grew behind these kingdom walls and villages were built and began an era of tranquility.
In the world full of unusual creatures and humans, there lived an extraordinary soul that roamed the wondrous world.
Elora, a maiden who's parents were once the strongest ancient warriors that died during the Great War. She sadly grew up without them and raised her siblings and herself. She was also courageous and full of wonder. She even had many goals set during her adventures.
Yo, u can call me rei, It's my first time writing a fantasy novel so don't expect it to be too accurate. (I do have writing experience) but I have to warn you, it would probably take me a month or two to think of a new plot or chapter because I suffer from severe writers block. Anyway I just hope that people like you would enjoy this tiny work of mine. It would really make me super duper happy when people admire my accomplishments. (I put every bit of effort in this book)
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