Chapter Nine

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Once I stopped crying I rang Davey, who arrived ten minutes later with a tub of double choc mint ice cream. He made me clean the ruined make-up off my face and we sat cuddled on the couch while I told him the whole story, from meeting Tom on the plane to my spectacular meltdown. We ate the ice cream straight from the container and he rubbed my back in sympathy, making soothing noises and just letting me talk without interruption. I loved that about him.

"You know you have to talk to him Katie."

"I know. But I doubt he'll want to talk to me Davey, I was like a psycho on crack."

"Darling girl, from the way he couldn't take his eyes off you at the barbecue yesterday, I'm pretty sure he will."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I mean those gorgeous baby blues of his were glued to you all afternoon. The man is very definitely interested, love."

A small glimmer of hope flared in my chest. "What if he won't take my call?"

"Then do it in person."

"I don't know where ..." I didn't know Tom's address but I realised I did  know a way I could get it. I jumped up, grabbed my phone and started dialling Amanda while looking for shoes and handbag. When I explained that I needed Tom's address she was quiet for a minute, then asked, "Do I want to know what is going on with you two?"

"Probably not."

She sighed and said she would text me the information shortly. I grabbed my keys, gave Davey a big hug and kiss and told him to let himself out then dashed outside to find a taxi. When Amanda's text arrived I directed the driver to an address in Westminster and hoped like hell Tom would give me a chance to apologise.


Forty minutes later I walked back in the door of my flat to find the lights still on and the aroma of food wafting around. "Davey?" I called. He must have stayed and ordered take out. I dropped my things on the kitchen counter and looked up as Davey came into the room. He could tell from my face what had happened.

"He wasn't home."



"Went straight to voicemail."

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry." He opened his arms and I went in for a hug but this time found little comfort. I desperately needed to talk to Tom and I was terribly afraid that he didn't want to have anything to do with me. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw another figure move into the kitchen from the lounge and I started in surprise, withdrawing from Davey's arms.


My eyes flew to his face only to find dark waves instead of red-blond curls, brown eyes rather than blue, smoothly shaven chin in place of stubble. Tall, but broader than Tom and coincidentally, also an actor.

"Alex! What are you doing here?"

"Hey babe, glad to see me?"

"Don't call me babe. And no, I'm not glad to see you. What do you want?" Seriously, could this day get any worse?

"Aw, c'mon Kate, don't be like that. We had something good didn't we?"

"Good for you, sure. You asked me to marry you and then shagged everything in a ten mile radius." I couldn't believe he had the gall to show up at my place after I had tossed him out on his ear a year before. Davey was bristling beside me, ready to leap to my defence if I should need it.

"Listen, can't we talk in private?" he asked with a heated glance at Davey. They had never really gotten on – that should have been enough of a warning to me, but I was too blind to see it.

"No. Davey stays. Say what you came to say." My patience was wearing incredibly thin so that came out rather short, but I honestly didn't give a damn. I was weary and heartsore and what I wanted was most definitely not  this man in my life again. I wanted to see Tom. I needed  to see Tom.

"Okay, okay." He held his hands up. "I saw you on Chatty Man the other day and I realised I've missed you babe. I've missed you a lot. So I thought we could, you know ... rekindle our love or something." He took a step toward me, I took a step back and Davey took a step in between. I put a hand on Davey's arm to let him know it was okay and stared at Alex as I tried to work out exactly what it was he was really after. I didn't believe for a second that he still felt something for me, in fact I had often wondered if he had ever really felt anything for me at all.

"Mmm. Acting career going a bit slow is it?" I finally asked and knew I was on the right track when he looked a little flustered and defensive. "Maybe someone who is on a couple of TV shows and doing publicity interviews with Alan Carr would be useful to have around? Being seen with them would help get your name known a bit more?" I was stunned that even he could stoop this low.

He didn't even try to deny it and I wondered what I had ever seen in this man to be ready to marry him. Love makes fools of us all, apparently.

"Alex, I would not be with you if you were the last man on the planet. I don't think I can put it plainer than that. Now I'd like you to leave and don't ever bother coming back." I walked to the door and held it open for him, giving him a look that told him I meant every word. Davey stood with feet apart and arms folded across his chest, glaring at Alex as if daring him to make a fuss. Davey was a pretty good fighter and Alex knew it. Thankfully, he gave in and left and as I shut the door after him I sank to the floor, elbows on knees and my head in my hands.

"God, what a day!"

Davey knelt down in front of me, put his arms around me and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "Want to me to stay over sweetie?"

It was a kind offer and I wanted so very much to say yes, but I had been selfish enough for one day and he had James waiting for him.

"No, hon, I'll be okay. Go home to your husband." I knew it was the right thing to do when Davey looked relieved at my reply. He helped me to my feet, gave me a huge hug and made me promise to call him immediately if I needed him. Once he was gone I locked up and headed to my bedroom. I tried calling Tom but once again got his voicemail so I hung up without leaving a message.

In stark contrast to the night before, I cried myself to sleep.

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