Chapter Twenty-Five

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By now I knew Tom's body as well as my own but on this last morning I felt the need to learn it all over again. We made love slowly, languorously, drawing out every pleasure, touching and tasting each other's skin as if imprinting every inch on our memories.

Once we were up Tom took me on his favourite jogging route and we said little as we ran; there was no need, we had said it all already. We showered together back at Tom's flat and this time our lovemaking was more intensely passionate, an urgent need to possess and be possessed. Afterwards we clung together and Tom whispered, "I don't want to leave you." I knew how much he loved his work and those simple words touched me deeply.


"Of course I'm coming to the airport!" I stood with hands on hips, looking at Tom and daring him to contradict me.

"Darling, we wouldn't be able to say goodbye in private."

"I don't care. We can do that here before we go."

He ran his hand through his hair, "We might be recognised and ..."

"I don't mind."

With an exasperated sigh he made one last attempt to dissuade me. "If the paps get wind of it you'll have them all over you and I wouldn't be there to ..."

"It doesn't matter."

"God, you're obstinate woman!"

"Hello! Have we met?"


Check-in complete, we headed toward the departure lounge. Tom's arm was firmly around my waist and my hand was tucked into the back pocket of his jeans. He wore a cap as a disguise even though I'd told him he was wasting his time - any die-hard fan would recognise him with or without his curls showing. I noticed some furtive glances our way but it didn't matter, we kept our eyes on our path or on each other and held the world at bay by sheer willpower.

We had timed it so there would be minimal waiting around, partly to avoid public exposure but mostly for our own sakes; neither of us wanted a long, drawn out goodbye. At the gate we stood wrapped in each other's arms for a few minutes, my head tucked in at the base of his neck and his cheek resting against my hair. When his flight was called we pulled back a little, foreheads touching.

"I'll call you when I get to the hotel in Toronto."


"You are coming to visit?"

"As soon as I finish filming everything."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And after a final kiss I let him go, watching as he went through the gate and turned to wave before disappearing out of sight.


"Snog, marry, avoid!"

"Okay, okay, but nobody I know!" I said as Davey poured another glass of wine while James served banoffee pie with ice cream, my favourite dessert.

"Chris Hemsworth, ..."


"You haven't met him! You said he wasn't there last night!"

"Doesn't matter, he's an inextricable part of that group."

Davey groaned. "So I can't include Andrew Scott or Martin Freeman either, seeing you know Benedict?"

"Very funny!" I said around a mouthful of pie, swatting his arm and causing him to grin. "You know what I mean. But speaking of Ben ..." They looked at me wide-eyed while I told them Robert's news of the Sherlock episode coming up, knowing the secret was safe in their hands. Davey in particular was practically drooling at the news and I made a mental note to arrange for them to be in the audience when we filmed.

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