Author's Note

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'Good night! Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow' - and so it's time to say goodbye to Tom and Kate. It has been a wonderful journey for me, exploring their story and meeting their friends and families.

There are people who must be thanked, most of all my two beautiful and amazing daughters, who encouraged me and supported me throughout this saga. Chloe, thank you for being a faithful reader and for your ideas on plot line; Laura - my literary genius - thank you for your writing tips; I hope I was a good student and improved my writing in response.

And a HUGE and extremely grateful thank you to all of you who read, voted and commented. I have been at times in stitches with laughter at your comments and at others incredibly amazed and humbled by how much you took my characters to your hearts and were so invested in their lives and loves. Words cannot possibly express adequately what a thrill it has been to have you tell me how much you enjoyed my story, I simply thank you from the bottom of my heart.

One loyal fan suggested a sequel of one shots from various points throughout the story and I like the idea of adding titbits about Max and Davey and some of the others, even back story on Kate and anecdotes as William and his sister grow - so I am toying with that idea. Be sure to let me know if you'd like that and if there's sufficient enthusiasm it may just happen!

And finally, how could I go wrong with a quote from Keats? I'm sure this one would be in Tom's book! 'I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of the Imagination.'

Cheers! Kerry (lincoln4460)

PS - Read 'Just a Kiss One Shots' if you can't bear to say goodbye to Tom, Kate, Davey, Max and the gang.

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