Chapter Forty-Six

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"Tom, I ... oh ... oh god ..."

It was the last day of our honeymoon; an idyllic week spent in the warm lushness of the Whitsundays, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. Tom had rented a house on Hamilton Island that boasted luxurious features and unparalleled views; but as far as we were concerned, by far its most attractive feature was its seclusion.

"A little ... oh ... yes ... ah!"

Although the wedding vows we exchanged hadn't been traditional, my husband was taking very seriously the notion of 'with my body I thee worship' and at times I was so sated by our lovemaking that even cutting slices of soft, juicy tropical fruit was an onerous task.

We were both lightly tanned from hours spent in the sun; either semi-clothed as we enjoyed tube riding in the island coves or snorkelling the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef, or naked while we enjoyed each other beside the infinity pool or surrounded by the abundant vegetation.

"Kate ... darling, just ... oh ... yes ..."

We'd had a Jet Ski tour of the surrounding waterways and taken a helicopter flight over Heart Reef, Whitehaven Beach and Hook Passage, enthralled by the white silica sands and azure waters that were just a small part of the heart-stopping beauty of this tropical paradise.

"Oh, sweetheart ... just there ... mm ... oh god."

We didn't want to leave; we had found our little slice of Heaven on earth and would have been content to stay and enjoy its pleasures until the last grain of sand ran through the hourglass.


"Darling have you seen my reading glasses?"

I looked at Tom, clothed in nothing but pale blue swimming trunks as we began packing our things ready to leave early tomorrow morning. "They're on your head love!"

His hand went to his head and an abashed smile appeared on his face. "I knew I'd seen them somewhere!" I laughed at the absurdity of what he'd said and he came and grabbed me, rubbing the week-old stubble on his chin against my cheek before kissing me firmly. He tasted like fresh pineapple and honeydew melon.

"Mm, you taste like fruit salad," I smiled at him.

He licked his lips. "You taste like mango. Did you get some more?" Releasing me, he headed to the fridge to search for the plump, juicy fruit we'd been gorging on all week.

I continued gathering things to stash in our cases. "John brought some from Airlie. What are you reading?"

He wiped the juice from his chin before answering with a slight grimace. "I'm about to let the world back in."

"Now?" I groaned. We had both turned off our phones the moment we left the UK to give us some peace and although I knew it was inevitable, I was happy to postpone that moment when the outside world claimed our attention again.

He looked at me and I saw his eyes darken as he set his phone and glasses down on the nearest counter. "I guess it will wait another hour."

"Only an hour?" I sashayed toward him, feeling the pull of that smoldering gaze. "Did that swim before lunch wear you out?"

He emitted a low growl, as I got close enough for him to pull me to his chest, his hands undoing my bikini top as his lips fastened on mine. I raked my fingers down his back and felt him tremble before he picked me up and carried me into the bedroom.


"This place is amazing!" The realtor was showing us around the house we would be living in for the next few months and although I had seen photos, the reality was much more visually stunning. The historical beachfront property had been impeccably restored with a subdued nautical theme throughout; the rooms were painted and decorated in soft shades of blue, aqua and white and were filled with light, boasting spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean and beautiful white sands only a few steps away. A light breeze ruffled my hair as I stood on the porch, the smell of the ocean and warmth of the sun making me think we hadn't left Australia, in spite of our fourteen-hour journey.

It was such a far cry from the cold, miserable weather we had left behind in London that it made me think of a line from The Wizard of Oz and I murmured it out loud. "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."

"Kate?" Tom's arms came around my waist as he pressed a kiss to my shoulder. "Do you like the house darling?"

"I love it." I turned in his arms, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The sound of a throat being cleared broke us apart. "Mr and Mrs Hiddleston, if you're happy with everything I'll just get you to sign these papers and I'll be on my way." We went inside with her to the living room and while Tom signed, she smiled at me. "Newlyweds?"

"Yes," I replied, grinning, "I guess it shows?"

She looked to be about forty-five but she had a distinct twinkle in her eye when she returned my grin. "It sure does, honey. You two are just as sweet as apple pie. A word of caution though ..."

I raised my brows, wondering what was coming.

"You've got neighbours on three sides." She swept her hand around in indication and although the words were delivered deadpan, she gave us a broad wink; I burst out laughing and Tom blushed.

"We'll remember that Jessica, thank you!" I grinned back then went to sign my own name – my new name – to the rental agreement. A few minutes later she had handed us two sets of keys and bid us farewell.

"How about a walk along the beach?" I suggested to Tom; just then his phone rang.

"Luke," he said, looking at the caller ID.

I sighed. The honeymoon was definitely over.

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