Chapter Six

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  These days have been crazy since I last wrote anything.. It's like a whole new life has just been sprung at me, but not really in a bad way I guess. Sure, it's not for certain what I can actually believe yet, but I finally met Ging and Kila and I'm honestly really glad they're here. Without them I think I would be way worse off.
  That shop I lived in was bought out, literally the same day I wrote last. As in, every single borrower was purchased, all by this one guy. His name is Troy.. and I really don't think he's all that bad. Yet. It seems like all good things here.. And as much as it may seem impossible to hate, Kila.. She's got another opinion. I'm really worried about her ideas.

   ~ logged ; I don't know the day yet, but I think Tuesday

 I sat on my bed, slowly closing the journal with a deep sigh. There was a feeling I couldn't quite describe. It felt like tension or peace.. which are very opposite things, but somehow they both seemed to be present. In reality, I was not prepared for the conversation I was going to have with her, but I knew I had to at least try and talk.

  Even though I didn't like humans, this place was okay, but I'm not surprised that Kila wants to leave so badly. Yet, at the same time it bothers me. Sure it's a new place, but she had always talked about having a solid home, one that wasn't temporary.

  Another heavy sigh escaped my mouth as I laid down on my back. Hopefully things will work out.



  Just as I expected.. Kila was livid. Her expression was so mixed with emotion, I couldn't tell what she was thinking. She was obviously mad though.

  "I thought you wanted to leave! Have you been lying this whole time? Are you and that.. That giant working together?" Even though her voice was incredibly direct and fierce, there was a shakiness to it. Her words, however, seemed irrational.

  "Kila. All I said is I'm not going with you. How does that have anything to do with me.. Working with Troy?" I couldn't help but tilt my head confused at the remark of us working together. Barely know him if I'm being frank.

  "You're still a liar. And.. a backstabber. I really thought we were in this together." Kila's voice seemed to lower, yet still held the same energy.

  "We had a plan to stay and see how it goes. See how it is here.. but you didn't want to stay at all. You don't want to compromise at all. Why do you want to leave so bad?" My voice unintentionally seemed to raise.

  There was an instant shift in the atmosphere. Kila's voice didn't waver anymore and now she stared at the ground.

  "You wouldn't understand." She muttered.

  I let out a sigh, running my hand through my hair.

  "Look. You can leave if you want to.. I won't stop you. But like I said before, I'm staying here." I felt defeated as I spoke. Kila just looked back up at me, her eyes glossy yet no tears spilled from them. She just nodded before hesitantly walking out of the room.

  Instantly, I dropped onto the bed, sinking into the mattress. I had my elbows on my knees as I held my head up, millions of thoughts starting to take their residence in my head. That guilt feeling was eating at my soul, like I made the worst decision in my life. She'd be alone, out in the outside. I know it's where before she ever ended up in a store.. but the thought of me betraying her was so heavy.

  I ran my hands across my face as I tried to think of a way around the whole ordeal. The stress that was radiating from me was probably astronomical..

  "Hey, you okay?"

  Hesitantly, I looked up to see Ging standing sheepishly in front of me, fumbling with his hands.

  "Sorry.. I didn't mean to intrude but I saw Kila walk off and your door wasn't closed.." He spoke, his voice stuttering and he was about to continue but I held up my hand to stop him.

  "It's alright Ging. I made my decision and Kila made hers.. This is probably the last day we'll see her." I spoke, my voice on the verge of breaking, but I shook it off. After a second, I stood and turned to Ging.

  "She'll be fine.. She's strong." I set my hand on his shoulder and gave him a soft smile. He looked up at me and softly nodded. Even if he really didn't know her, there was a soft sadness in his eyes at the idea of her leaving.

  "..Should we head out for the day? I think it could help get your mind off of things." Ging added in the silence. I stepped away, slipping on my shoes and the coat I had on yesterday, before turning back to him. I nodded slightly.

  "Yeah.. that would be nice."


  The air in the town was chilly. The window on the far side was open again and it was blowing the cool morning air in. The feeling made me wonder.. What did people really think of it here? It wouldn't hurt to ask around.

  "Want to stop for some food?" Ging asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. We were standing outside of a small, cozy looking bakery. It smelled heavenly.

  I simply nodded, following Ging inside. It was lovely inside, colored with soft browns and oranges. The baked goods looked amazing as well.

  "Lovely day today isn't it?" The girl at the counter asked, catching me off guard.

  "Ah.. Yea, it is." I responded with a smile. She gave one back before taking our orders. After a moment or two, she handed us a paper bag with our food.

  "Hey, do you mind if I ask you a quick question.?" I started, jumping ahead of my thoughts.

  "Yes? What's up?"

  "We're new around here.. I was just curious what your stand point is on all of.. This..?" I asked, feeling a tad embarrassed for asking. My mouth had spoken before my brain had caught up.

  "Oh.. well, I personally think this place is wonderful. It's got a cozy feeling. Troy really did a good job on it."

  I simply nodded at her, with a soft smile. "Thanks for sharing, I appreciate it."


  We spent the rest of the morning walking through the nearby park, talking to random people and asking their feelings on the town. Most of the responses were positive, and the few that were negative were based on the weather.. Which didn't seem like a good enough reason to leave.

  Soon we sat on a bench to take a small break from walking.

  "You know.. the point of this walk was to keep your mind off of the situation, right?" Ging stated, seeing my expression.

  "Ah.. that's true. Sorry.. It's just hard to concentrate on anything else I guess." I apologized, feeling guilty about asking people so many questions.

  "I kinda want to see Malcolm again.. Is that alright with you?" Ging asked after a few moments of silence, fumbling with his hands again.

  "Sure. Go ahead, I don't mind."

  "Well.. I was thinking you could come with me? I don't really want to go alone."

  I looked up at him with unsureness. As much as I was semi-comfortable around Troy.. I knew nothing about Malcolm. The thought of another giant being honestly scared me.

  "Eh.. I don't-" I started.

  "Maybe Troy could be there so it's not all that awkward.?" He stuttered over his words, coming up with a reason to go with him. I felt bad, and let out a heavy sigh.

  "It's alright if Troy isn't there. I'll accompany you."

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