Chapter Thirteen

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The walk was kind of awkward. Not seeing someone for over a month can do that I guess.. Not only that but I hadn't quite pieced together what my questions were going to be. Should I even be asking questions? Should I even be here? 

For a moment I had to question why I was out here before I could even form my own viable questions for Kila.. It's crazy enough that I actually followed her out here without much thought. Why did I do that..?

As we walked to the small fire, I noticed her pace a little off as though her foot barely wanted to stay to the ground. Was she hurt? 

"So.. what did you want to know?" Kila asked, abruptly pulling me out of my thoughts as she turned around. She sat down as well, patting the ground beside her. I took her invitation, sitting on the cool, slightly damp ground; a contrast feeling to the crackling fire before us. 

"Well.." I started, mulling around my questions in my mind. My hands wandered the small pebbles in front of me, subconsciously messing with them in my hands before I continued. "How did this all come to be? Why is it out here?"

Kila's eyes seemed to search for something in mine once more, before she sighed a soft sigh. "Marxie made this place. She built it from the ground up. That's what she's told me.. so essentially it all stems from her." Kila explained, gesturing to the area around.

"But why though? What was the point?" I pressed, shifting a tad. The rock still fumbled across my hands; a thoughtful distraction as I waited in the slight uncomfortable silence. 

"Freedom. That was the point." Kila's eyes were lost in the fire. There was a feeling in the air that I couldn't quite place, though it didn't feel great. I looked around at the others sitting with one another. The ones with injuries merely covered with leave sewn blankets for the night rest. Small tents for others, and some not even asleep though it was late out. Was this.. Freedom? The risk of this freedom seemed more costly than it should've been. There was also loneliness lingering.. the majority of these 'free' borrowers were sat in their own tents, sitting near the fire alone, or mingling by themselves. Frankly, the only time I saw the borrowers talking with each other was when I had just gotten here. There were some returning from their trips or getting food.. not to mention when I followed behind Kila and those others, it was uncomfortably silent.

"Are you free?" 

Kila's expression didn't change at my question, instead she continued to stare at the fire, as though she was completly consumed by the vision of the flames. After a long period of silence, she turned to me with an unreadable look, tears slightly brimming in her eyes.

"I would say yes.. but I don't know." Her tough, harsh exterior seemed to break the moment words came from her mouth. I had never seen her once this way.. 

"Do you have friends out here..? Is it as lonely as it feels?" My hesitance to ask any more questions began. That feeling got much stronger and all it made me want to do was go home.. but I didn't want to leave Kila here, especially seeing her in this state.

She shook her head, though didn't elaborate on either of the questions. Which was she answering? 

I cleared my throat, hoping to change the atmosphere. "So, who is Marxie? I mean.. I know she's in charge and all.. but what led her to start this whole place?"

Kila perked up slightly, wiping away a singular stray tear. "She's the leader, founder and headmaster of this place. A strong woman.. physically at least. She keeps off major predators when needed but mostly stays cooped up in the stump. I don't know a whole lot about her other than she is strict, soft spoken at times and is not very open about talking about anything."

"A series of events." A voice from behind startled me enough for me to jump to my feet. Marxie stood almost directly behind us. How long was she listening for..?

"What do you mean.?" I ask as Kila stands as well, dusting herself off.

"It's what led me to starting all this." She gestured to everything with her eyes. With her answer, I felt kind of annoyed. 

"That's how anything starts, Marxie." I stated, the agitation obvious. Her eyes narrowed at my sarcasm though a sigh left her mouth. With a slow movement, she sat on a log.. or root.. that stuck out from the ground. Kila and I followed suit, though I didn't feel like sitting.

"Like you.. I was saved, if that's the proper term. It felt like I was stolen, though what can I say. I was in a not great place, he came and saw me being abused.. He practically took down the couple that had me just to help.. It didn't at first, but those people sent me to a shop where he came to get me shortly after.." She hesitated for a moment, her eyes staring at the ground as though the search it for words. "It was a rocky start.. though there were others there. There was a lot going on in my mind at the time and being in a city.. It was overwhelming. I felt trapped and so I left there, taking some others with me."

There was a silence between us all. Solemnness felt as though it was lingering, though after a moment, Marxie sat up straighter and lifted her head up as she continued, "The borrower rule exists for a reason.. and though I thought highly and fondly for Troy, we as species are not meant to be living in harmony."

How could someone live that way? After being granted a free life.. without much need to participate with humans.? I chewed on her words for a minute, hoping to find the right thing to say. The returned silence seemed to solidify the idea of the other two were also thinking.

"Why not? How is living out here any better.?" My voice started, almost on it's own. Marxie turned to me at my question, though I continued, "How is living this life where you are fighting for your own lives every hour any better? Why can't you live in harmony?"

"The borrower code goes on for generations.. we are made to live off of humans not with them or among them." Marxie retorted, standing up with me. It started to feel like a stand off. This was not what I was wanting..

"Is it based off fear? A generational 'code' that was probably created due to dangerous situations shouldn't apply here.. especially  when Troy was and is willing to sacrifice his entire life to help people like us." I could feel my voice raising, gaining the attention of the others around me though I didn't care in the moment, "Life changes, Marxie. Hearing your experience which I'm sorry you went through.. but you of all people should know that life changes. You gave up peace for a freedom that isn't even freedom. Did that peace make you scared? Or was it just something you never felt before?"

I stopped speaking, though no retaliation came. Not one word was spoken, as though I struck something to the core. It built up a rough silence from the entirety of the camp. 

My welcomness here felt over stayed. I felt like I changed something here and the pressing weight was guilt, so with that I turned to leave. I knew the house wasn't too far so I wasn't too worried about getting lost.

Just as I got to the edge of the clearing, I turned back with one last thing to say, "Thing's will always change, but there can be good in everything."

Then I left, walking into the overgrowth of the grass. 

Just from speaking, adrenaline coursed through my veins as though I just ran a marathon or was being chased by a random animal.. I hade never spoken like that. Ever. Why did I get so passionate about it? Why did it bother me enough to rant to them all.. even if it wasn't anger.? Deep guilt was festering in me, I could feel it like a storm cloud brewing. 

I didn't want to hurt anyone but my words may have been harsh.. the things I said could have been said better. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. Though, I also felt like maybe it was a good thing.. maybe I changed someone's heart.

Pretty soon, the grand house came into view. I wasted no time locating the window that had a rope ladder attached to it and started to climb up it.. though as I got up to a certain point I noticed a light wandering through the grass in my direction. Immediately, I leapt from it and rand towards it.

Just as I got close enough, I was met face to face with Marxie, Kila and a small group of borrowers. My eyes were wide, my expression clearly showing everyone that I was shocked to see them here. Marxie gave me a brief nod and a smile as she led the others to the ladder, showing that she definitely knew the place

"What.? Why are you guys here?" I asked, walking alongside Kila. I was both enthused and confused at the same time. 

"You changed the way she thought. So.. we're coming back." 

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