Chapter 13

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3rd Person POV

Taehyung will never let anything create misunderstandings between both of them. NEVER.

"You know why I left yesterday?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, you said you had an important meeting." Jungkook answered softly.

"Yeah, about that. I had an important meeting with the elders. I had to discuss something really important with them, about you."

Jungkook was now looking up at him with wide innocent eyes. He pulled away from the hug and was now sitting on the bed in front of taehyung.

"Ab..about me. Is there something wrong with me?" He whispered looking at his fingers that were playing with the hem of his hoodie.

"No baby there is nothing wrong with you. do I start? you remember you fainted the night we were coming back from lake?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah....I remember everything. I wanted to talk to u about that. I felt something if something or someone was possessing me. I felt rage inside me. Not mine, it was so foreign and different as if I was feeling someone else's emotions. And whoever that was, was happy that my parents died. I don't know if it is making sense right now, whatever I am talking about. But that is exactly what I felt at that point." Jungkook confessed looking taehyung in his eyes.

"Hmm....I saw your eyes were flashing a mixture of red, orange and yellow. As if there was actual fire in your eyes. I too could feel the rage and turmoil of emotions you were feeling, not with the same intensity but yeah I did. And I was scared too. I was confused and then jin hyung told me to go and meet the elders about it. I didn't want to go first but then I couldn't see you in pain so I decided to leave and come back early.

I talked to the elders about it. And then they told me, that Male Supremas are unique creatures.....they tend to possess powers that can never be possessed by any other ranks. Male suprema's powers generally are fueled by an emotion.

There are generally three emotions that have been witnessed and identified in different supremas in the past. 1st is love, 2nd is anger and third is hatred. In past when Male supremas were in control of their powers their eyes flashed different colours. One of the elders, Bang Si-hyuk, is the oldest wolf alive in our pack and maybe in this world, I don't know. He is more than 600 years old and claims to have seen so many Male supremas and knows a lot about them.

He told me that supremas who fueled their power with love flashed yellow in their eyes. Orange showed anger and red denoted that the power was fueled by Hatred." Taehyung was cut off by Jungkook's gasp.

"But you said my eyes were flashing all the three colors, that means I fuel my powers with all three emotions altogether." Jungkook's eyes were wide in horror.

"Yeah....that's what Si-hyukshii told me. You are special baby, the only Male suprema to take birth in the history of billions of years to possess the power of all the three emotions. See didn't I tell you that you are special. But no one actually knows what is your actual power because you are one of a kind. We need to figure that out ourselves."

"So that explains you getting out of control in anger. But what you said about feeling foreign emotions.....we will talk about this to elders when they will visit us on my birthday, that 2 mnths later on 30th of dec." Taehyung completed with a sigh, while his eyes mirrored sheer amazement and adoration for his mate.

Jungkook was still processing all the information recieved until now. Most of his questions about himself were answered. He felt that he knows himself a little better now. But there were so many questions that he had related to Taehyung and he wanted all of them answered.

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