Chapter 63

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3rd Person POV

"It's finally done. I am so happy, I am free from that shit of a man who calls himself my father." Bogum beams with happiness while talking to his mate who was holding his naked body close to himself tightly.

"He is not your father Gummie." Kai spoke in a protective tone trying to make Bogum remember that he was not his father.

"But he gave me more than any father could. He gave me happiness, love, care along with a lot of power and freedom." Bogum spoke in a tone that even Kai couldn't decipher.

"The least I could do for him is that I can consider him as my father. Though he had made my life miserable when he cast that spell on us that night but still I liked the power.

"I craved it to some extend. It helped me keep myself grounded and calm. The lust I feel for supremacy is different and addictive." Bogum continued.

"Sometimes you scare me with your obsession over power and supremacy." Kai spoke in a dejected tone making Bogum look at him with a knowing smirk on his lips.

"And I know that you like the thrill that comes with this fear."

"But I still don't understand the need to do this ritual at such an urgency?" Kai asked the question that he was meaning to ask since he was asked to summon a witch for his mate.

"He bound me to him. He knew that only I can live an eternal life by taking over the life spans of the other Supremas. He bound his life with me so that he can live forever and rule on the world.

"He is an asshole with an unending hunger of being the mightiest one. He craves it. And he used me for that. That is why he took me in after my parents died.

"He couldn't afford me being weak at any point so he did the same to you. I never intended to tell you the real reason behind him doing this to us but now is the time I guess.

"There is this old ancient prophecy that said,

The goddess with spawn the mightiest,
When the desperate times arrive.
The two souls different from others,
Will unite and put an end on those who survived.

They seven will bond and create an eternal peace,
Those who will harm them,
Their existence will come to a brutal cease.

"The mightiest one that prophecy mentioned has finally came to the existence. I felt it when he came to existence. But I hid it from father.

"But now he knows. And he will definitely use him to create the ultimate weapon for himself that will give him an eternal life. And for that he will have to kill me.

"Because two male Supremas can't exist at the same time. In past as well I had to make sure to kill them before their 21st birthday. If they would have survived their birthdays my existence will come to an end.

"And I want live, I need to live. I can't die now. Not after enduring so much for centuries. I can't let my father win. I can't give him the final word in this.

"I severed our bond of life so that I can kill him and use the precious suprema to make the weapon and use it for my own desires. I will sacrifice him on our next birthday.

"I will become immortal and irresistible soon. I will become the mightiest. The one whom the Moon Goddess herself can't kill."

Bogum completed with a strong determination in his eyes and sickening power in his voice that even made Kai shiver to some point.

"So you mean that Jungkook is the chosen one?" Kai asked still deep in his thoughts.

"Yes he is. And I know his mate is special too. But the seven will bond, I still need to find out the real meaning behind this particular line." Bogum said thinking about the prophecy that he had by hearted, courtesy of his beloved father.

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