Chapter 66

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3rd Person POV

"I have to go to the office today, it's been so long Namjoon hyung is taking care of things I think it's time now that I take over on the official things so that he can take care of Jin hyung." Taehyung was caressing Jungkook's tummy softly while he laid on him in between his legs.

Jungkook's naked back was touching Taehyung's naked chest as they both were cuddled up in the duvet after cleaning each other properly.

"No Joonie hyung is taking care of everything from home only, and you should too work from home. There is no need to visit the office." Jungkook spoke while closing his eyes and laying his head on Taehyung's chest comfortably.

"What do you mean that he is working from home?" Taehyung asked with confusion laced in his voice.

"Yeah...I have forbidden for anyone to leave the house until I personally check each and every person inside the castle grounds for their loyalty and integrity." Jungkook answered as he opened his eyes and looked at Taehyung while he was also looking at Jungkook.

"And your college?" Taehyung asked trying to analyse the situation.

"Online." Jungkook planted a small kiss on Taehyung's jaw who backed away from the kiss frowning a little.

Jungkook felt a little upset on the way Taehyung backed away from the kiss so he sat up straight in front of his mate looking straight into his eyes.

"What about Hoseok hyung's trainings and your own training?" Yes Jungkook was training daily after college trying to learn about his powers and getting better at combat. Learning about weapons and other things to enhance his skills.

"Stopped for the time being." Jungkook answered not wanting to get on Taehyung's nerves because he knew Taehyung's anger was taking a troll on him recently and he didn't want to worsen the situation.

"What about the pack members? Aren't they coming with their problems every Tuesday and Thursdays?" Taehyung was trying to look through everything he was taking care of for a few years now.

He had to think about everyone, he was responsible for his pack. He was their king and he had to act like one and protect them at any cost.

"They do come and I take care of their problems myself. But recently they haven't visited even if I got the reports of some conflicts in the pack." Jungkook answered honestly.

"What happened to them when they arrived in the castle initially?" Now Taehyung's confused state was subsided with a strict one. He needed to know what was happening around in the pack when he was gone.

"Nothing much, they were just checked thoroughly and questioned before they were granted the permission to enter the castle grounds."

"What the fuck?" Taehyung groaned in frustration while looking at Jungkook with disbelief in his eyes.

"What?" Jungkook asked a little confused at why would his mate react like that out of nowhere.

"Why would you do that Koo? It is showing that the king or I may say Luna himself doesn't trust their pack members. Wolves packs doesn't work that way baby." Taehyung said with a deep frown on his face.

"I needed to do that Tae...I am supposed to keep my family safe. I don't think I did anything wrong." Jungkook answered confident on his own point of view of the situation.

"And what about all the office workers? Board members? And Throne members?" Taehyung asked while he stood up from the bed gathering all their clothes from the floor to throw them into the laundry bag.

"They were made to sign a contract of loyalty towards the pack. If the contract breaks in any situation they will be sentenced to either banishment from the pack of death sentence." Jungkook said while he too walked behind Taehyung who was entering the closet now.

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