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there is a softness to this love. a giggle as we run, a laugh when you gently kiss. a game. 

some call you a manipulator, but it is a game of love. a game where we love and laugh. maybe  is a game, but it is a marvelous one.

when the game ends, i shall not be sad. we have chased and collapsed from laughter rolling on the floor as the gentle beams of light warm your face. 







in a way i did not know a human could be,

such a simplicity to this love.

perhaps this is how it is meant to feel, happy, not a match made by anyone but us. there was no cupid, no emma, no eros. it is us and only us, such a real feeling such a real love. 

it is like we are little kids

playing in the garden

i missed such a feeling.

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