Chapter 6

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Back to first person.

Hey Rem, what happened
You passed out after you pulled that stunt.
I didn't crash though.
Yeah, and that's about the only good thing about it.
Where are we anyway, this doesn't feel like our bed at home.
We are in the infirmary.
Excuse me, ok We Are Waking Up Now.
No we are not, you need rest right now. And you have to pay me back for being a stubborn asshole earlier, and I say that you need to stay in bed.
How about I stay in bed at home. Because you know as well as I that I detest hospitals, doctors offices, whatever they are. So we are waking up and getting out of here.
Kyoya, I don't suggest doing that.
Really don't care right now
I shot up from the hospital bed, reeling back slightly from my sore arms and chest.
Damn, I forgot how much doing that hurt
"Oh, your awake, well I didn't expect you to wake up for at least another hour, but I suppose this will work out",
So now there's some short little lady standing at the foot of my bed, with a cane that looks like a giant needle.
Well that's only mildly off putting, right.
Your staring like a night owl Kyoya
"I'm Recovery Girl by the way, the medical expert here at UA"
"Um, ok, Uh how long have I been here"
"Oh, you've been knocked out for about an hour and a half"
And that's when the panic set in.


"Oh! crap, uh, I have to go"
"You really shouldn't be in such a rush, you're still pretty tired from earlier',
"I'll be alright, but I really do have to get going", I said hastily as I grabbed my jacket and bag from the chair sitting next to my bed.
"Oh, alright if it's really that important, the door is to your right dear.",
"Ok, Thank you!", I say quickly before rushing out the door.
We are going to be in so much trouble when we get back.
There's a two o'clock train we can catch if we run, but Recovery Girl said we should rest so I don't really think that's a good idea.
I would rather get home than listen to whatever the old lady said, plus mom is going to give us hell either way , but I can still try.
Even if it's useless.
Hey, Kyoya, Watch out there's someone ....
"Oh!, shit sorry",I yell behind me shortly after almost running a kid over, as he is left stumbling over words trying to piece together a sentence.  Before eventually settling for just staring at me.
Watch where you're going idiot
Sorry, but we're in a hurry
I kept running until I eventually made it to the subway station, quickly searching for my train before sprinting towards it. Sliding my card before running onto the platform, and getting onto the train as fast as possible.
Hey Rem, do you think there's a reason everyone is giving me weird looks.
You are a random teenager that just ran onto a train looking a little beat up. And you also have horns and wings which generally attracts some attention.
Yeah but this is a little bit more than normal, there's always a few people running onto trains at the last minute.
Yeah, one problem with that, we've been here at least two minutes and the train hasn't started moving yet.
I looked up to the electronic screen above the door, as words contained passing over the surface, 2:03 passed by, the route, and the departure time of 2:10.
Oh my god
Better early than late.
Sure, but this means I didn't have to run, and now I have to wait here awkwardly for 7 minutes.
We'll get home the same time either way so calm down
Oh you just had to remind me of that, a very crucial point.
It will be fine.
After looking around for a good place to stand and wait, I eventually decided on a space between two rows of seats, not too far from the door. I put my headphones in to try and block out the murmur coming from the other passengers. Spacing out looking out the window across from me.
Evenchly the rest of the train started to fill up, I had to move a bit to either side to make room for others. But that was normal, especially for me because of my wings, which take up a good bit of space. At some point someone had sat down in the seat I was standing next to, this person in particular was making a lot of noise. Mumbling about something. But this particular mumbling sounded a bit familiar. I looked to my Side to end up seeing a mess of greenish hair, almost black. The same hair I had seen earlier that day.
Evenchly he noticed me staring, he pondered my appearance for a few seconds. Before eventually he seemed to recognize me as his eyes widened significantly.
"Oh! You were at the exam today, why are you leaving so late, it's been almost two hours. Oh wow your wings are really big, is your quirk a dragon or something! Oh!, I'm sorry, I asked too many questions. I'm really sorry", He continued rambling about this. I was getting nervous now, this kid was really talkative.
I'm surprised anyone could keep up with him.
You managed to.
I don't count.
"Uh, I got out late because I got injured during the physical exam. And, yeah my quirk does involve dragons", I responded hoping that he would shut up, he was getting kinda loud and attracting more attention than I wanted.
"Really, is it a transformation quirk, kinda like the Dragon Hero Ryukyu!", he asked with enthusiasm.
"Um, kinda, I don't know how to use my dragon from, and I always have the wings. Plus, I can also emitte fire and lightning if I want to, but that uses a lot of energy.", I said with a nervous smile.
"Really! That's amazing. A mix between a transformation and emitter quirk! I've never heard of one of those. Even with just your wings, your quirk is pretty impressive. But with a full transformation and fire and lightning, That's really amazing!"He continued to talk about my quirk.
It's kinda creepy all that he could think after I gave him a brief description.
Maybe he has an analyzation quirk.
That would explain a lot
My and Rem conversation was interrupted by someone coughing very loudly a few seats away from us. And it wasn't a sick cough, it was a 'Shut the hell up kid, you're making too much damn noise for a train ride'. Which I suppose I could understand. But he was talking to me so now I was getting glare's and weird looks as well, which are things I would rather not be on the receiving side of.
Apparently the both of us noticed these looks at the same time, because now both of us were awkwardly looking around the train compartment, with guilty looks on our face's.
At least now he quiet, I really should find out his name, but at least he shut up. But now the silence is weird.
Should I say something, after all the talking he did I feel like I should say something.
Up to you, but that means words actually have to come out of your mouth.
Yeah I know, that's the hard part.
Your choice.
"You were at the exam too, you plan on joining the hero course", That was way too awkward.
You still managed to do it.
Yeah, and now I regret speaking.
"Yeah! I've wanted to be a hero course ever since I was a kid and I saw a video of All Might saving a lot of people. I've wanted to be a hero ever since, what about you?", He asked.
Well that complicates things.
Really? It didn't seem like a very hard question.
Can you think of anything that would inspire me to become a hero?
No, nothing in particular.
Exactly, besides external pressure from mom, there isn't a ton driving me to become a hero.
Come up with something then.
Ugh, fine.
"Um, it's kinda just what I knew I was going to go into. Ever since I was a kid I've known it's what I was going to do, so I'm doing it", I said trying to maintain a calm expression.
"That's great! Being able to do what you dreamed of doing since you were a kid. My reason is pretty similar!  Hopefully I'll see you at UA, actually I don't think I got in", he says as his expression saddens.
Geez, you brought down the mood fast
Can't blame him, most people don't end up getting into UA, especially the hero course.
Yeah, I know, one in three hundred right?
"Hey, you never know. Maybe you scrapped by, don't think about it too much before you actually know if you got in or not.", I said, trying to cheer him up.His expression quickly brightened up.
How can someone's smile possibly be that bright, it looks like a lightbulb.
"Thank you for saying that, I'm Midoriya Izuku by the way", Midoriya said, a large smile still on his face.
" l/n kyoya, nice to meet you Midoriya", I said with a small smile on my face.
Good, you finally learned his name.
Yes I did, it's kinda nice being able to introduce myself to someone.
We don't get to do that very often, do we?
I honestly can't remember the last time it happened.
By the time me and Midoriya had finished introducing ourselves to each other, the train had been moving for at least ten minutes. The name of my stop was said over the loudspeaker as I collected by myself, preparing to get off the train.
"Oh, is this your stop too?", Midoriya asked, a curious look on his face.
"Uh, yeah it is", I said as the two of us and a few others exited the train and stepped onto the platform.
"Hu, I've never seen you around before?", he said. It was considered pretty normal for the neighborhood kids to hang out together, or at least go to the same school.
"Yeah, I don't go out much", I said nervously.

We should really get going, we're already running behind, we need to hurry.
Yeah, I know, I'll get going soon.
"I would love to talk more, but I'm already running late, so I really have to get home.", I said rushed.
"Oh, ok, maybe I'll see you at UA.", Midoriya said, giving me a small wave goodbye.
"Yeah, maybe.", I said as I started towards my house, starting to jog after I was out of Midoriya's view.
I am so dead.
That might be a bit of an overstatement.
I wouldn't put it past mom.
Let's just hope she's in a good mood.
I don't think "good mood" is in her vocabulary
We'll just have to find out then.
I was quickly getting close to my front door, and I was getting more nervous by the second. But I eventually reached for the house key in my pocket, slid it into the keyhole in the door knob, and turned the small piece of metal clockwise. As I mentally prepared for the worst

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