Chapter 20

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"HUDDLE UP AND DON'T MOVE!!! THIRTEEN PROTECT THE STUDENTS!!!!," Aizawa yells as he prepares to fight the villains that arrived at USJ, but before he gets a chance, the person in the front of the group begins to speak, and I begin to shake.
"Ah, so you're the one Rem talked about, well that's one goal in sight. But where is All Might, the symbol of peace? I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here?," The villain says, as I feel bile rise in my throat.
I may have never seen this guy in my life, but his presence alone makes me want to keel over. Who the hell is this guy?!
And then I remember
Rem talked to him? Is that where they snuck off to at night? And he wants me?
My classmates are all panicking about the current situation, as Aizawa fights the nearby villains. But I don't see that, I'm staring at the ground through my shaky white vision, and then I feel something cold and smothering, as Bakugou screams my name .
And then I land, and despite my wings I hit the concrete fast and hard, and I think I just might have fractured a rib. I sit up to see a large group of villains surrounding me.
"Geez, this guy looks like a small fry shouldn't be hard to take him down huh," One of the villains says.
"Hey, this one we capture alive, remember, the one with the wings" Another one comments before they all  begin moving towards me.
They want me alive?
Noticing them getting dangerously close to me, I finally speak.
"Sorry but I really don't have the time for this,"  I say as I stand up.
With a beat of my wings I'm in the air and above them, despite that they attack, and I attack back. I slam into the ones closest to me, before sending them into the ones further back. I climb further into the air, before a villain bursts into the air next to me, grabbing hold of me before trying to slam me into the ground below. Unluckily for them, I twist around quickly in the air, having their back facing the ground, before they slam into it. Allowing me to get a head start into the air and above any nearby enemies.
"Hey didn't that guy's power kinda act like the old project they had going on" One of the villains says, but I miss the rest of it, I can see it. I can see the file, my name on the inside, a bunch of numbers I don't know the meaning of. But then it's gone, like it was never there in the first place. There was never something there to remember anyway.
I ignore it, I have to get back to the plaza, I have to help whoever is left there. Aizawa would be taking on all the villains on his own, and I can't let that happen if I think part of this is my fault.
When I get to the plaza, I can see the disaster that the villains have caused. The majority of my classmates have been spread out across USJ, and the students still in the plaza have just witnessed their teacher's head get smashed into the pavement beneath him, but then it stops.
"Hey Nomu, our special guess just got back, unfortunately, take him out of the air," the villain standing in the front of the group says, as the creature that had fought Aizawa, Nomu, jumped into the air towards me. And this time I couldn't get out of it's grip, as it's meaty fingers dug into the flesh between my wings and back, before pushing my into the hard concrete below.
Oh that definitely broke some ribs
The Nomu is still pushing me into the ground, trying to make me stay there, but I won't be. I flexed my wings, pushing them into the front of the Nomu's face, giving it enough of a shock to allow me to roll out from under it before flying low to the ground. And slamming my head, and horns into the creature's abdomen, using a strong beat of my wings to push it into some nearby rubble. Then quickly flying back into the air trying to avoid any counter attack.
Unfortunately for me, that doesn't work. The Nomu then grabs my leg, before slamming me into the rubble instead, and I can feel bones cracks.
This won't work, this thing will just keep breaking my bones until I can't fight, I suppose a different strategy is necessary.
Almost instantly I feel the heat and electricity rush through my body.
Hopefully just having it cover me will give me a chance against this thing, along with some other assets as well.
3 inch claws grow from the bass of my fingernails, as I push myself towards the Nomu. Slicing across it's chest as electricity and fire darts across the creature's skin, burning the surface.
"Nomu, this is starting to take too long, and I don't want the pros to show up, so just take him out already," The villain says, and in the split second that I'm distracted, a large fist collides with the side of my face. Sending me flying against the ground, scraping up the left side of my body, before I hit concrete. And I can feel the rubble I fell against begin to fall on top of me, almost smushing me with large pieces of broken cement.
My vision starts getting spotty, black and purple appearing in it as I fight to stay conscious. Though when I feel the Nomu grip my head as it drags me out of the pile of rubble, that will fade's. My brain saying that it would feel so nice 'to just give up', but then for just a second I can feel the pressure from the Nomu lesson. And I feel a soft heat land on my cheek, not my mothers kind of heat, not my kind, this is different. The Nomu lets go of me as someone else carries me away from the battle, before laying me down gently on the concrete.
And for a moment I see a mess of light blonde hair above, his arms carefully cradling my broken ribs. And this time I allow myself to rest.

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