Chapter 10

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Most of my class went through the soft ball throw with no major events, except for when Uraraka was able to get an infinite score, which was honestly quite impressive. Soon enough it was my turn for the soft ball throw.
"Kyoya L/N, you're up !", Aizawa said as I jogged towards the circle in the middle of the athletics field.
Do you have any kind of plan for getting a good score on this, Or...
Just winging it ?
But I haven't used any transformation abilities or elemental stuff, so I could use that.
That use's up a lot of energy, and really isn't that safe for you.
Yeah, but this is the last event of the apprehension test anyway, and then I will be able to almost guarantee that I can get first place.
I stand in the center of the athletics field as Aizawa throws me the soft ball
"Again, do anything you want, as long as you stay in the circle," Aizawa says as I walk past him.
I get to circle and stretch my arms slightly while I finish planning how I am going to go about the soft ball throw. After taking a deep breath, I pull my arm back towards my shoulder. Small black scales spreading from my finger tips up towards my back as small bolts of lightning and flickers of fire roll up my arm.
Mummers from my classmates ring through my ears when I swing my body forward. Emitting teal fire and lightning from my palm, letting it push the soft ball forward as I push it off my finger tips.
I watch the ball sore forwards as the scales on my arms fade, my brain starting to get foggy as my body starts to shut down from exhaustion.
"703.8 meter's," Aizawa says from behind me as I walk slowly towards the rest of my class.
"That's a really good score L/N! You almost beat Bakugou," Mina says from next to me, I give a light smile in response.
"But, are you good? You look like you're about to fall over," she says
"Yeah, I'm ok, But using fire or transformation abilities take up a lot of my energy. So I'm kinda exhausted," I replied.
As I spend some time catching my breath, I hear the grumpy voice of a specific albino from behind me.
"Hey! If you got such a good score on the soft ball throw, Why the hell couldn't you go earlier, huh!," He says almost yelling at me while trying to make sure Aizawa didn't hear him.
"Oh, um I was homeschooled for middle school, so I've never done a soft ball throw before. So I couldn't really give Aizawa an answer to that," I replied try not to fall over.
"Geez, no wonder I beat you then," He said.
"Oh yeah, you had a really good throw, congratulations about that", I said, trying to give him a small smile, though it only seems to make him angrier as he walks away from me scoffing.
What was that about?
You almost beat him, and when he tried to insult you, you didn't react. That kind of thing frustrates someone like him.
I guess, but I don't see how that could frustrate someone so much.
After my short conversation with Rem, I looked back towards the soft ball field to see Midoriya getting ready to throw.
He walks up to the circle looking really nervous, almost like he's shaking. From next  to me I hear some of my classmates talking about Midoriya, Bakugou specifically talking about him being a quirkless runt?
I don't think Midoriya would have been able to get into 1-A if he was quirkless. How would he have passed the exam?
I'm not so sure he is, just watch.
I turn my eyes back towards the field to see Midoriya moving his arm behind him, before throwing the softball. It landing only a few very disappointing meters away from him. Though, looking next to me, I see that Aizawa's quirk is activated.
"I erased your quirk," Aizawa says, shocking Midoriya along with most of the class.
"That ridiculous entrance exam. Completely irrational when you consider someone like you got in," He says glaring at Midoriya, his quirk still activated.
So, does Midoriya have a quirk or not?
I think he does, but I'm not completely sure he knows how to use it.
Most people get a quirk around 3 or 4. Why wouldn't he know how to use his quirk?
Honestly, I'm not sure
After my quick conversation with Rem, I look back towards the field to see Midoriya walking back to the center of the circle.
Looks like Aizawa gave him a second chance
Yeah, hopefully it will work out for him.
For Midoriya's second time at the soft ball throw, he leaned forward, before rocketing the soft ball forward, as it exploded of the energy that looked like it was being released from his pointer finger.
My class stared in shock at him, as Aizawa showed his score of 705.3 meters, .1 above Bakugou's score. Though, when I took a closer look at Midoriya, he was clutching his pointer finger as though it was broken.
Well that was quite impressive, but I think he broke his finger so that he could do it
Having that be the draw back for his quirk wouldn't make him a very good hero
Hopefully you were right and is just now figuring out his quirk, otherwise he's going to get himself killed.
Most of my classmates seemed pretty happy that Midoriya did so well on the soft ball throw. Some of them quite impressed, though one's emotions were very different.
"WHAT THE HELL?!! EXPLAIN YOURSELF! DEKU!!!," Bakugou yelled as he blasted towards Midoriya past me.
But unfortunately for Bakugou, Aizawa caught him before he could reach Midoriya, who looked terrified.
Everyone was ordered to line up so we could hear our scores, but before we heard our scores, Aizawa had something else to say.
"Also , I was lying about expelling someone," Aizawa said as my class proceeded to freak out, while I remained unsurprised.
"Geez, did no one else figure that out, I guess I should have said something," I said.
"You knew about this!,"Kirishima said from next to me.
"Um, yeah. I figured a pro like Aizawa would be able to see potential in anyone who had managed to get into the hero course. And it's pretty good motivation anyway," I said, as the people around me finished freaking out as Aizawa showed us our scores, myself getting third place.
"You still did really well huh L/n, third place," Kaminari said.
"Oh yeah, thank you," I said while giving him a small awkward smile. 
Aizawa gave Midoriya a pass to the nurses office, before heading towards me.
"L/n, your transformations and energy abilities use up a lot of energy correct," Aizawa asked me as I turned towards him.
"Um, yeah,'' I replied, the exhaustion from earlier still running through my body.
"Then get yourself to the nurse so you can go home," He said while handing me a nurse pass, as I began walking after Midoriya towards the nurses office.

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