Chapter 40

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"Uh, let me help you with those mam," I say, picking up a few of the ladies grocery bags. Situating them to not aggravate my injury, as I stand up fully.
"Well thank you dear," she says, standing up with the rest of the groceries.
"Of course, can I help carry these to your car," I say, smiling slightly from her politeness.
"I actually only live a few blocks away, so if you could just help me situate them, That would be great," She says, as she still struggles to hold only a few of the many grocery bags.
"I have the time, I could help you walk them over if you'd like," I say, as I begin to follow after the lady, on the way to her home.
"Oh thank you, what a polite young man you are, wish my son was as respectful as you," She says as we continue walking.
We continue in silence for a few minutes, walking down blocks I should recognize, but I don't.
"He wants to be a hero you know, even got into U.A," She says, smiling slightly.
"That's quite impressive, seems like you're very proud of him," I say, noticing how she smiles when thinking about her child.
So that's how mothers are supposed to think of their children, hell of a lot different than my mom.
"Yeah, but I think he inherited my temper, he's so stubborn. Always refuses to take any help. That kind of stuff makes me worry about him sometimes, but he's a strong kid . . .

Oh! I'm so sorry! I'm just rambling on about him huh. Well this is my place, so if you could just set the bags by the door that would be great," She says as we reach a modern looking home, at least two stories.
"Oh, sure," I say, walking towards the door before setting the bags down, as the woman walks past me to the door.
"Thank you so much dear. Oh, I'm Mitsuki Bakugou by the way," She says as she unlocks the door. I hum in response, before taking a moment to think about what she said.
Bakugou? Well then, there's no way she isn't Katsuki's mom
I think to myself, as she yells for someone in the house. I hear some yelling coming from inside the house, in a tone I've gotten comfortable with at U.A.
I watch as Katsuki walks out the door, prepared to yell at his mother again for dragging someone from the store to help her carry groceries, before he turns towards me.
I watch as concern flashes across his face, anger following it. And then I remember I probably look like shit right now, especially considering my new burns.
"Leave you alone for an hour and you already look twice as bad," He says, staring at my bicep, where I'm sure blood has started to seep into the fabric of my uniform shirt.
"Oh! So you're who he was talking to after school, I wondered why he got home a little later than usual. Hey! What did you mean 'looks twice as bad as before'. And I thought I taught you more respect than that . . .

OH MY GOD! You look terrible dear. Katsuki, why don't you take him inside and get your first aid kit," Mitsuki says, noticing all of my scars, as well as my newest burn. Katsuki leads me into the house, as his mother follows behind us.
"Oh, and Katsuki. You should introduce us some time. It;s lovely to meet one of his school friends, I'm surprised anyone can handle him," Mitsuki says smiling, as she brings the rest of the groceries in the house.
I follow Katsuki through the house, and hop a set of stairs to what I presume to be his room.
"Geez, never should have left you alone in the first place," he says as we enter his room, which I figured was decorated appropriately. It wasn't really over the top or anything, it was clean and well organized. A black bedspread with some orange ascents, the rest of the room had a similar color scheme, and it looked nice.
I stand awkwardly in Katsuki's bedroom, looking around for a moment as we walk into a room adjacent to it. Which I presume to be the bathroom. He walks back into his bedroom, carrying a large first aid kit. He sets it on his bed, before motioning for me to sit down there as well.
"How'd you get that one," he says, anger laced in his voice as he points towards me newest burn. As I take off what's left of my uniform shirt.
"Mom," is all I reply with, trying not to meet his eyes as they bore into my arm. I watch him as he opens up the first aid kit, grabbing some burn ointment, as well as a gauze wrap.
"Is that why you were out by yourself," He asks, as I hum in response.
We sit there in comfortable silence for a moment, as he applies a burn ointment, as well as the gauze wrap. Careful not to aggravate the burn more, or cause me any discomfort.
"You know, it's not safe to stay in a situation that can give you these kinds of injuries," He says, timing the cause, before trying to look at my eyes.
"Yeah, that's kinda why I'm out, in the dark, by myself, with nothing but a school bag," I reply, trying to make my sarcasm obvious.
"Hm, as much as I love to see that your sense of humor is still intact, I really think you have more pressing issues," He says, using his hand against my jaw to tilt my head, until he could look into my eyes.
"You really shouldn't go back there you know," he says, as I look back at him, humming in response.
"What do you suggest as an alternative?," I ask, knowing he won't really have an answer. We stay silent for a moment, as he brings his hand back down to his lap.
"Look, if something happens, you know where I live now. So if you need somewhere to stray just come here. But I would really suggest calling the police or Aizawa if something happens, ok?," He asks, looking up into my eyes, and just the worried look on his face makes me want to make it all better. Like I would do anything to make him smile again, so he wouldn't worry about me like that again.
"Ok," I responded, giving him a light smile.
We walk back down stairs, as I grab my bag, and prepare to head out the door, and back home.
"Hey, if you end up getting too hurt, I will end up telling Aizawa for you," he says, standing at the house's threshold.
"Ok Katsuki, I'll see you tomorrow," I say, waving behind me, looking back at a face I've started living to see.

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