Chapter 1

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When I pull up to Starla's mom's house in my new Ford Bronco (well, new to me) I honk the horn and blast the music playing on the radio. I wait for Starla to come out and see what I've got. She knew I'd be getting a car and that I'd be picking her up in it. Devil's Haircut, by Beck is playing loudly and I'm singing along, not knowing all the words. I'm watching the front door and still nothing. I honk again, a few longer punches to the steering wheel and that's when she steps out with her bag slung over her arm.

Her eyes widen and she's grinning from ear to ear. She shouts something at me that I can't hear over the music and I tap the horn again really quickly before jumping out and running to her, the Bronco still running and guzzling gas. We squeal in each other's ears with a big hug and I look up to see Angela smiling at us in the doorway.

"I love it!! Oh my god, Anna!" Starla jumps up and down and drops her bag and runs to the Bronco to survey it, loud music still blasting. Angela steps down from the porch and embraces me in a warm hug.

"Did your dad help you with this one or was this your choice? It's very nice, Anna." I nod at Angela, not able to keep my huge smile at bay.

"Yes. He wanted me to get something sturdy, and safe. Apparently it's terrible on gas but it's all steel and metal so... well, anyway. I'm so excited! I can finally join the rest of my friends who already all have cars now!"

Yup. I was the last of my friends to get a car. Most of my friends had cars gifted to them on or near their 16th birthday. I turned 17 five months ago and my dad finally broke down and decided he'd get me a car. I think the reality is that he hated giving me rides everywhere. My mom and dad only have one car between them. They've never needed another one. We also aren't the most wealthy family. My dad owns a small restaurant and my mother and I help him out in running it. It barely gets us by but it's what my dad has always wanted to do and we get by well enough.

"Well, a Ford Bronco is a great vehicle. Just be sure to turn that music down while you're driving, okay? That can be a big distraction and you need to be able to hear sirens or anything going on in the street around you." Angela was always giving me lots of pointers in life. She was quite protective of me and of Starla but at 17, I was used to parents of friends, and even my own parents repeating safety tips and giving advice.

"Yes, of course, Ms. Williams. I only just turned the music up when I got here - kind of for dramatic effect." I laugh and look back toward Starla, who has completely forgotten her bag and is now sitting in the driver seat of Freddy (that's what I've named the Bronco). I shake my head and pick up the bag to walk over to the driver's side and lean my elbows into the open window.

"So, you like it?" I say as Starla bounces up and down and nods her up dramatically. I pull the door open and gesture for her to get out so I can take my rightful spot, still holding her bag in my hand.

"I love it. It's so much cooler than my Corolla. Can I drive Rowe? Please? Pretty please?!" I roll my eyes at her. She loves calling me by my last name but as much as I like my last name I prefer my first name.

"I don't know anyone by the first name of Rowe - but ANNA says you need to get into the passenger side and here!" I stuff the bag at her as she's crawling down, "take you bag and say goodbye to your mom. Let's get this show on the road! I hear your dad has a swimming pool!"

When I pull into the long driveway at Starla's dad's house we are singing along to Boss Bitch by Doja Cat. I never turned the music down like Angela asked. Oops.

I turn Freddy off and go to the back to pull out my bag while Starla grabs hers. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I shut the door and look up to see Starla jogging up toward a tall man with dark hair. I don't know who this person could be - certainly not her father who we are staying with for the next two nights. This man appears to be a bit too young to be my parent's age. I haven't met her father yet, but I hear he's very cool and fun.

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