Chapter 13: A Melodic Trip and a Festival to remember. Pt 1.

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Author's Corner:


"'Sup"-Normal Speaking

'Ah biscuits.' -Thoughts

"I condemn your soul to hell!"-Demon Speaking

'Oh come on!'-Demon thoughts

"How did I get here"-Flashback

[Yo, who dis?]-Communication

"FUS RO DAH!"-Attack/Spell/Transformation

Hey everybody, Pixel here. Two chapters in the same month? What a rare thing! What could it be? Okay...I'll be real here, remember when I said I was going to be going on a MASSIVE GRIND this month? Yeah, this is the result of that grind. I've been busy writing and editing chapters to most of my stories and plan to upload them all before the 7th of December, the day I go on leave for the holidays and I WON'T write for the remainder of the year. So yeah...

Okay, so the last chapter was a good one since I got positive reviews from the sites, and it's good and all, thanks by the way, and some of y'all gave me some ideas to way and feedback me that my partner in crime has taken into consideration. Oh, by the way, this partner in crime will be unknown until we've reached a certain chapter in this arc, where he'll reveal himself to you all. So, keep that in mind

So, this chapter is rather unique as this one is NOT based on any of the episodes from Season 1 but rather, it's a completely original one, coming from the mind of Pixel. My partner and I had felt it was time to do an original one after a year of basing and editing and really try our hand at this, and we are pleased with what came out.

This chapter and the next one will focus on Naruto and Musa as they'll be going on a road trip for their break. "Where to?" you may be asking, you'll have to read and see. The chapters will contain music, including songs from an anime Movie called: Your Name (I think y'all know this movie, it broke me...) and from an HBO Original Show I've been watching as of late. It's called: Euphoria, now, which song was used in this chapter? I'll leave that to y'all to guess.

I left a poll in the last chapter regarding Mirta and I was shocked to hell and back at the results so far (And pissed since two guys had two ruin it). I won't say how it's going yet, be patient and I'll release the results of the poll at the end of the month so you can see what y'all chose.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll talk in the end notes.

Fox Among Fairies:

Chapter 13: A Melodic Trip and a Festival to remember. Pt 1.

[Universe 21458: Magic Universe-Magix]

[Date: 21 November: Monday]

[Time: 10:00 a.m., Day]

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