The way to thor

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You landed back on earth as Valkyrie landed next to you before you guys rolled on the floor and came to a stop.

You got up onto your knees as you noticed Jane back as usual. Her breath shook as she tried to grab Mjolnir but failed and fell onto her back.

"Thor grab Val! I'll take Jane." You said as you ran over to her.


You sat on the couch in Jane's hospital room, you sat there silently as Mjolnir floated next to you.

You heard glass shatter from outside of the room as you quickly got up and walked over to the door just as Thor walked in, passing you and placing some snacks on the table beside Jane.

"Oh hey, girls." He said smiling.

"What's going on out there?" You asked with your hands on your hips after noticing the smashed vending machine.

"Oh, some moron made a fridge without a door. Can you believe it?" He chuckled. "But not to worry I got it open and for all sorts of goodies," he said pointing to the snacks as you walked over next to him.

"How's Val?" Jane asked.

"Oh she's in a lot of pain, but she is stable." He told her.

"Okay good, now you just gotta get this out of my.." she said reaching for the tube in her arm.

"No no no no! That's gotta stay in there" You said grabbing her hand and putting the tube back in place.

"That's all the magic potions. And elixirs doing their thing so..." Thor said trying to explain to her like she didn't know what they were. "I'm just gonna pop out for a moment, pick up the kids, kill the bad guy, and then I'll come straight back," he said to you girls as he placed a kiss on your forehead.

"Now hold on, you're going alone? I'm coming with you, you can't go without me." You stopped him.

"Uh yeah."

"What happened to like doing everything together?" You asked him. "He's going to use those kids to distract you, you need me," you told him.

"I do need to y/n, and you Jane. But I need you both alive. It would be great to have you on the battlefield, fighting gorr side by side, but I don't want anything happening to any of you, and Jane, that hammer is killing you" he told you girls.

"Every time you use the hammer, it's draining all of your moral strength, leaving your body unable to fight the cancer." He said as you girls went quiet.

"Yeah but there's no reason to not let me come, Thor. Even if I were to die it would be one cool last adventure." You said to him.

"No, no..." he said as his voice broke. "I'm not letting you come with me, stay with Jane, make sure she doesn't turn into a Thor, and come help me." He whispered to you.

"Thor, even if I were to come and then Jane shows up all of a sudden it's her choice, she wants to do this, she's the mighty Thor." You whispered back to him.

"Y/n, I love you. I've always loved you since I first met you, and we have an opportunity to be together for the rest of our lives, and I don't want that taken away from you by a silly Scard-face lunatic who manipulates shadows. You saw what he did to Valkyrie and she's Asgardian. I don't want you dying on me."

You sighed as you looked away from him as a tear ran down your cheek. You shook your head before looking at him.

"You better come back to me" you warmed him.

"I'm coming back as soon as I can," he told you.

You nodded. "I'll stay here and look after Jane.

Thor grabbed the side of your face before pulling you into a long kiss. He let go before walking to the door, looking behind him for a moment.

"I'll be back in no time." He told you, girls, before walking out.


You looked down at the book you were reading in the hospital room before Jane interrupted you.

"Are you really going to let Thor go by himself?" Jane asked as she snacked on a packet of chips.

"I have to at this point. There's no other way to get to the very center of the universe." You told her as rumbling was heard next to you.

Both of you girls looked at Mjolnir, who was levitating while shaking violently, sparks of lightning coming off of it, but instead of pointing to Jane. It was pointing at you.

You and Jane looked at each other at the same time before turning back to the hammer.

"What is it Doing?" You asked her.

"I'm not sure?" She stayed silent for a moment before realizing it. "Y/n... grab it." She told you.


"Grab, The, Hammer." She told you.

You looked at her unsure before pulling out your hand to grab Mjolnir, before you were even able to reach for it, it flew to your hand.

"Oh my god!" You yelled as you looked at the hammer in your hand. "Val's portal horse!" You said realizing you could get to Thor.

Jane smiling at you. "Go, he will need you." She said to you.

"Will you be okay here?" You said getting you from your seat.

"I will" she laughed. "Now go."

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