⪻Chapter Four⪼

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"You seem happy," spoke Prince Balder as his younger sister entered the room.

Sigyn turned to see him sitting on a chaise lounge with a book in his lap. The Asgardian moons illuminating his beautiful features.

"I am quite joyous this night Brother," she said happily skipping over to him.

Balder made room for her to sit before wrapping an arm over her shoulder. Sigyn loved moments like these. Where she didn't have to worry about her mother barging in with Blodbrev in her hands or her father ordering her to sleep in the dungeon. Her time with her brother was the wonderful gift she could ask for.

"And what did you do to make you smile this much dear sister. You look happier than the day I took you too the Golden Falls,"

She smiled at the memory before slightly blushing, "The young Prince invited me to his sleeping chambers this night,"

Balder quirked a brow at his sister before she replied embarrassedly.

"Not like that Balder! Gods no! I barely even know the man. And he wouldn't pressure me into doing something like that. He is to sweet and gentle. Anyways, he noticed I had trouble sleeping so invited me to read books and have a cup of tea. Loki was so sweet to me Balder and offered to let me come their every night if it helped me rest well,"

Balder laughed at his sister's rambling. It soothed him to know that she had felt safe and at peace here in Asgard. With Loki.

"And how are you finding Asgard?"

Her eyes twinkled as she spoke, "It's wonderous Balder, just as you had described it but even better!"

"I'm glad you're enjoying sister," he smiled. "But I believe you should go to bed,"

Sigyn scoffed and replied, "I'm not 8 Balder,"

"Yes, but you are still my sister," he said cocking his head and smiling.

She kissed his cheek and bid him goodnight. Balder looked up at the stars before smiling and laying back.

Outside the room a shimmer of gold could be seen from under the door that none had noticed. Or so we thought.

--- ⋇ ---

The Asgardian sun came about on the horizon, blessing Sigyn's chocolate skin as she slowly awoke. Today felt different. Today felt new. Today felt safe.

No nightmares befell her that night. Her airways didn't close in fear and beads of sweat did not trickle down her forehead. She had felt at peace.

She rose from her soft bed and gracefully walked to her bathing chambers. Her maid Lofn and placed drops of vanilla into the tub so when she emerged, she would smell as such. Her mother hadn't visited her that morning, so she managed to slip on a more comfortable dress than a corseted one.

It was a sky-blue dress with flowy sleeves and there were jewels lined from her bosom to neckline. The of the shoulder look was one she favoured and with her hair down, she felt as though she could fly. The dress had cuts on her hips but she didn't mind, after all, her scars were covered with her mother's magic. No one would know. No one would care.

She was grateful she could get away with this dress. She had longed to wear a simple riding uniform but alas, her mother had burned them years ago when-

"Lady Sigyn?"

She turned away from the mirror to see her hazel-eyed handmaiden.

"Yes Lofn?"

"The Royal family asks you to join them for breakfast,"

"Of course, lead the way,"

She followed the brunette servant down to the Feast Hall were the families ate on a table on the dais. Her mother turned to see her enter and would've scowled if it were not for Frigga by her sides.

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