An Upsetting Visit

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"Y/n, I'm serious, I really don't think that you should go, what if something happens to you? Or Chicha? I need you to stay with her if, y'know..." Pacha trailed off.

Chicha packed his sack with more fruits. "Pacha, she's not a little girl anymore, she's not going to get hurt, especially if you're there with her. Besides, the Emperor's getting engaged soon, so hopefully that will make him lighten up a bit more." Chicha turned, tossing two mangos at her kids as they ran out of the back door.

"Thank you Chicha, besides, Chi can handle herself, she doesn't need me here. She's had two kids, one more isn't gonna kill her." You reasoned.

"I don't want her going into labor alone, what if something happens to the kids? Or if someone broke in? Or if-" Pacha started panicking.

"Pacha! She'll be fine. She isn't due for another few months. She can handle the kids on her own. Besides, Chicha is more dangerous than any robber or criminal out their. They should be scared of her." You said, trying to reason with your brother.

He slumped his shoulders as his wife chuckled, "You know, I think she's got you beat."


"A summoning from the emperor, ooh! How exciting! What do you think he's like?" You sat with your brother, seeing the city in the distance.

"I dunno, hopefully he's a nice reasonable man. What does the letter say about cause for visit?" Pacha was too focused on driving to read the letter again.

You opened the letter once more, "It doesn't say. The only context he gave was that it was urgent business and to come immediately."

You traced the emperors crest embedded on the wax seal, "I wonder what he's like."

Pacha laughed, "I remember when we were younger and you had a dream of marrying the emperor. You had a crush on him for years."

You shook your head, "That's not funny. I was nine!"

He laughed, "And now you're twenty three!"


You got to the gates, parking the carts so that the both of you could go in, "Just wait for me in the hallway, alright Y/n?"

You nodded, "Unless you need backup. Lord knows that you don't have a backbone."

A hat fell on your head, taking it off you examined it, "Pardon me, that's mine."

"Oh, here you go," You handed it to the man.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"You're welcome." You started walking then did a double take to see him hanging by his clothes.

"Aah! Oh, hey-" Pacha looked at the poor man.

"Are you alright? Pacha, can you, uhm." You started, gesturing to the man hanging by his clothes next to you.

"Oh, yeah. Here, let me, uhm." gently got the man down.

You looked down at the man who was hanging, "What happened?"

Pacha gently put him down, "I threw off the Emperor's Groove!"

You looked at him confused, "What?"

Pacha looked at him, "His groove! The rhythm in which he he lives his life. His pattern of behavior. I threw it off and the Emperor had me thrown out the window."

Your heart sank as Pacha looked at you, then back at the older man, "Oh, really? We're supposed to see him today."

"Don't throw off his groove!" The man warned.

"Oh, okay," Pacha pulled you to the side as carts flooded the street.

"Bewaaaare the grooovveee..." The man warned again in a spooky voice.

"Hey are you gonna be alright?" Pacha asked the dazed man.

"Grooooveeeee," The man looked off in the distance.


The emperor was in the conference room, choosing his bride before your appointment.

The only reason you knew was because you could hear the list of insults hurled at them, which made you feel sorry for them, "Hate your hair. Not likely. Yikes, yikes, yikes. Alright, let me guess, you have a great personality? Is this really the best you could do?"

Pacha looked at you with sympathy, patting your back, "It could be worse?"

Pacha wasn't sure who he was trying to convince, but hopefully the trip wasn't for bad news.


You stood in the hallway, listening to your brother trying to convince the emperor to not build over your village. He wasn't having it though. By the sound of it he was only focused on perfecting his builds for his new amusement park. You knew Pacha wouldn't have the heart to stand for his home.

As soon as you saw Pacha walk out upset you knew you had to talk to him on your own. You've always been the bold one. So you did what you had to. Talk to that asshole of an emperor and convince him to not destroy you hometown. You walked in, Pacha trying to stop you, but not working. In his words, you were as stubborn as a bull.

"Emperor Kuzco?" You looked at him as he was moving observing more pictures the matchmaker had brought him saying, 'they're prettier in person'.

"One moment, these girls have no pa-zaz, there's nothing special or unique about them. Nothing that screams 'Empress' or calls to me." Kuzco argued with the matchmaker.

"Emperor Kuzco?" You tried again as he wouldn't stop bickering, you honestly felt bad for the poor man.

"May I have a word with you, sir?" You said one last time, your voice somehow broke Kuzco's thoughts.

The words hit him, sending a shiver down his spine, he turned to see you. His heart thumped hard, a feeling he had never experienced before arose from the pits of his stomach. He looked at how your h/c hair framed your face, how the gold specks in your e/c eyes complemented the color. How your s/c skin glowed and was sun kissed from years of work outside. And your lips, oh, how he wanted nothing more than to marry you then and there... and who says he couldn't?

"Yes, sweet cheeks?" Kuzco's eyes kept examining to find any faults.

"I wanted to talk to you about this village-" You started to explain until he cut you off.

"I know, wonderful idea, right?" Kuzco smiled, looking over his mini park.

"No, not wonderful. I live there. My family lives there. Everyone I've ever cared about lives there and have lived there for generations! Please don't build there! I'll help you find alternatives, or even help with planning, decorations. I'll do anything! Please don't build there!" You pleaded with the man, trying hard not to let your anger get the best of you.

"Anything?" Kuzco looked at you as you nodded, "Alright then, I'll cut you a deal. I'll consider moving where I build if... you marry me."


Status: Unedited

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