A Kingdom to Carry

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[12 hours before Kuzco goes missing]

You sat on the throne as advisors and tutors flooded the room, waiting at your beck and call.

While you were not the best in school, you knew enough about the economy and the people to fix minor issues.

"State of resources?" You listened to the man as be flipped through the scrolls that were bound.

"50-30" you scoffed as the doors opened.

The small man, terrified and confused as to why he was called back to the palace after being turned away just the day before, walked in.

The long line of people whose hope of living a good life was crushed by those who lived in the palace stood patiently waiting to hear why they were called back.

"What is your name?" Your voice boomed much louder than you thought it would, hearing the eco bounce from wall to wall.

"M- Matthew..." The small man trembled, taking his hat, "p-please spare me!"

You raised an eyebrow, "what troubles are you having, Matthew?"

Your voice was much more quiet, but still confident as the man confided his problem, "food?"

You turned to the man on your left, "How much of the reserves go to the castle?"

The man looked through the sheet, "73% madam."

"How much of it is eaten by the emperor?" You stared at an empty spot on the wall.

"18% of it is eaten by the king, 12% of it by the staff, 43% is waste." The man knew what you were getting at.

"Cut castle supply by 35% and keep vendors distribution even throughout the kingdom." You stood and walked down towards the man.

You crouched to meet the old man face to face and smiled, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"


"And have the fleets cross into Casian Region. We have a trade contract, and we need to use it." You stood up, looking at the fisherman.

Unrolling the map, you pointed, "Here and here. That's where you need to be. Salmon follow this stream, and it's that time of year for the clutches to be lain."

You looked at him, "Don't catch all of them. We need them to reproduce." You smiled and handed his map back to him.

"Thank you so much, ma'am." He bowed.

"You don't need to do all that." You helped him to his feet and walked him to the door.

The rest of the royal advisors and tutors walked you to the conference room.

You were discussing plans for improving trade when Kuzco burst through the doors, "honey! I'm home!"

You sighed as he was given a large chair. You all stood up as they swapped your chair for a golden mini throne.

You watched him sit down and pat his lap. Huffing, you sat down.

"Doing my job, princess? I heard about you cutting castle food supply by 40%, and I'm offended. You didn't run that by me first. You aren't even the empress yet, but you're doing a lot more."

He played with your hair, "With all do respect, your majesty, your people should come first."

Kuzco eyed your royal blue gown, the way the gentle fabrics hugged you, gave him goosebumps, "I like being top priority, and I doubt that's ever going to change."

"Speaking of top priority," he snapped, "everybody out!"

You sighed in annoyance, "Your majesty -"

"Now about that wedding!" He cut you off, "I want large flowers, lots of food, and amazing music. Now... who to invite." He thought for a moment.

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