The Morning After

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You woke up with a start, looking out of the window to see that the sun was rising from the eastern plateau.

Stretching, you went to wake up the emperor for the start of the day, seeing as how he would now accompany you to all of your meetings with the citizens.

You walked across the hall and knocked, the door opening slightly, "Kuzco? Are you awake?"

You heard no noise and there was no answer, so you thought he was still asleep. Walking to his bed you quickly noticed that it was still made from the day before. You checked the closet and his personal bathroom to no avail.

You quickly shut the door and went to find the guards who were patrolling the hallways the night of his disappearance. Luckily, you bumped into Yzma who was walking around the castle.

"Yzma-" She looked at you curiously.

"yes, my dear?" She looked semi-confused as you started to talk.

"I know we haven't met before, but I'm Y/n, the emperor's new bride. He's mentioned you quite a bit and I've seen the portraits of you." You stood there as confidently as you could.

Yzma's eyes lightened in recognition, "Of course, he showed us pictures of you during last nights dinner..." She chuckled, "it was quite eventful."



"And this gorgeous beauty," Kuzco showed Yzma while waiting for Kronk to come back, "is Y/n, my bride-to-be."

Fast forward a little bit-


Llama Kuzco is out like a light, "So what do we do about his fiancé?"

Yzma looks at Kronk, picking up the picture of you, "I guess we'll just have to get rid of her too."



"Yzma, I hope you know how much you mean to Kuzco." You lied.

She looked at you confused, "huh?"

"He told me all about how you raised him and cared for him when his parents wouldn't." You clasped your hands together, "I hope he doesn't treat you too poorly, he just has a... funny way of showing his appreciation.

Yzma scowls, "You can say that again."

"Speaking of Kuzco... have you seen him?" You ask her as she panics.

"No! I mean," she coughed, "No, not since last night's dinner party. He left saying he needed to get back to... you!" she smiled painfully.

"Unfortunately, he never came to me last night. Yzma..." You lowered your voice, "I'm worried. I believe something happened to him last night after the party... something bad."

She looked to you, "Whatever do you mean child?"

You thought for a moment, "Doesn't it seem... odd to you that there is no theme song first thing in the morning? And the servants are talking to each other carefree?'

Yzma looked around, playing along, "Now that you mention it, it does seem a little quiet in the palace..."

"If something really has happened to Kuzco," she started to speak, "then I think it's best that we don't bring much attention to it. We don't want anyone knowing that the kingdom is vulnerable, right? People going into panic, the economy crashes, horrible, really."

You think for a moment, "I'm so glad you're here. I wouldn't know what to do without you," you hugged her, "thank you."

Your smile instantly broke the thought of her killing you for the throne, "let's get to the throne room, we have much to work on, right?"

Yzma stood there, "...right. I will have to leave when Kronk comes, I will give him some excuse for Kuzco."

You thanked her, walking off to the throne room, holding her arm as you walked.


Yzma paced in the lab as Kronk brought her some freshly baked muffins, "change of plans, Kronk, we're not getting rid of Y/n"

Kronk looked at her setting down the muffin on the table, "really?"

She nodded, "I have decided to spare the poor girl, instead of disabling her permanently, but she still holds a given royal title."

Kronk bit the muffin, "so what now?"

She thought for a moment before gasping, "You will marry her instead. It's a perfect plan really! We killed her lover, and because he gave her the title of princess, she is now the new ruler, she trusts me.

All I have to do is introduce you two, she will fall in love with you, marry you, and I will tell both of you how to rule the kingdom! Or you could just hand me the title of Empress and live together, we'll figure it out as we go."

Kronk looked at her, "What if she doesn't fall in love with me?"

She dismissed the choices as she went through her potions, "All we would have to do is give her a batch of special brownies. Right Kronk?"

She held a pink vial labeled with a heart as she laughed evilly.

"Oh! With hazelnuts! Or with chunks of cookie dough inside? Both!" Kronk clapped excitedly.

"No! No! You stupid idiot! You add this potion to the brownies. She will fall in love with the first person she sees and you will have until sundown to kiss her to make the effects permanent."

Yzma attached the vial to a necklace, "But that's only if push comes to shove. I need to introduce yourself to that worried fiancé."

She walked towards the entrance, "Let's go."


You sat in the kitchen, it was the end of the day and there still was no sign of Kuzco, "oh, Y/n!"

You turned, holding the cup of tea, "Yzma?"

"I wasn't expecting you here. Are you hungry?" Yzma smiled as the large man followed her into the kitchen.

"Oh, I just came for tea," You held up the cup, "would you like some?"

She shook her head, "No, but I'm sure Kronk would like some, wouldn't you Kronk?"

Kronk nodded, "I absolutely love Lotus tea."

You smile and poured him some as he started to ramble, "As a matter of fact, I love quiches with tea-"

"Kronk, no one wants to hear about the process of you making quiches." Yzma spoke coldly.

"I- I do." Yzma looked at you shocked.

"I have some work to attend to, but you two continue on." She walked out with an evil smile.

"Like I was saying, spinach and cheddar quiches are the best." Kronk started to take out the ingredients.

"I find that spinach and Swiss is better. The pungent cheese is a much needed contrast to the sweetness of the tea." You replied.

Kronk looked up in surprise, "I've never thought about another type of cheese..."

Yzma listened to you two talk from outside the door, knowing that her plan was in motion. All she had to do was wait for you to fall for Kronk, and then the throne was as good as hers.

If only she knew that Kuzco was still alive.

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