The Llama King

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"A llama! How could this have happened!" Kuzco cried as your brother tried to ward off the demon llama.

Pacha stood up cautiously, "Emperor Kuzco?"

"An ugly, stinky, llama!" He sobbed, pulling at his face.

"Shh.. it's okay.. gosh, Y/n is so much better at consoling people - uh llamas - than I am." Pacha removed his hat to scratch his head.

He had told his wife about you being the emperor's fiancé, just not the part about the fact that it was against your will.

"Y/n! She's back at the palace with Yzma! She can change me back!" Kuzco stood up, his legs all wobbly.

"How did this happen?" Pacha asked while the emperor got used to his new legs.

"I don't know! I can't remember! I can't remember anything from last night!" Kuzco kept the part of him remembering you two together to himself, thinking it wasn't the best idea to tell your brother you spent most of the day together.

"But, I do remember you! I said I was going to build my summer home on top of your village and you got mad at me!" He said as if he was completely in the right.

"Now, let's go, so I can be changed back." Kuzco started to trot away.

Pacha stood up slowly, then remembered what his sister told him, "Build your summer home somewhere else."

Kuzco turned around with attitude, "you wanna run that by me again?"

"I'm serious." Pacha stood his ground as Kuzco got angry, "if you want my help, you need to give me your word that you won't destroy our homes."

Kuzco trotted up to him, "News flash. I don't make deals with peasants!"

Pacha looked at the llama unamused, Well, then you can forget about my blessing. You forget my sister is the woman you're trying to marry."

Kuzco's ears were raised in alarm, "You wouldn't dare."

Pacha stared him down, "I don't think she'd be so fond of the idea either, considering the fact that it's her childhood home."

"But what would I know. I'm just your soon to be brother-in-law." Pacha sighed, leaning back against the fence, crossing his arms while watching the herd of llamas sleep.

Kuzco grumbled as Pacha felt guilty internally.

After all, the letter stated that you wanted to marry Kuzco after he chose you to be his bride. All they needed was your blessing.

Pacha didn't want to be the one standing in the way, but he couldn't let his family be homeless, "forgive me, Y/n." He whispered.

"So... if I don't build on your stupid house, then you'll give me your blessing to marry Y/n?" Kuzco looked at him skeptically.

Pacha nodded, sticking his hand out, "Deal?"

Kuzco stared at Pacha, "deal."


You stressed more and more. The king wasn't just missing, but you missed your family so much.

You waited for Yzma to come so she could give you advice on what to do, stay at the castle, or visit your family.

You wanted to see your niece and nephew. You wanted to cuddle up to them the way you once did.

You wanted to help the elders get their bearings in their homes. Who would help the village when you were away?

You sprung up when Yzma passed down the corridor, "Yzma!"

You stared as she turned slightly, "Yes, my dear?"

You stopped for a moment, "I wanted to know your opinion on something."

She looked at you, slightly intrigued, "Well? Spit it out."

"Should I visit my family or stay and fulfill my duties in the castle?" Yoh started to worry.

"I know my duty is to the kingdom, and it should come first, but my family has no knowledge of my engagement to the emperor, and -" You started to ramble all of the reasons why you should visit the your family.

"Y/n." She tapped her foot, "Y/n! It's fine, child."

You stepped back out of fear when she raised her voice, "really?"

"Telling your family is all good and well, let Kronk and I accompany you." Yzma said with a strained smile on her face, "the kingdom should be fine for a day or two."

She wrapped a bony arm around you, "You've already done so much, you know."

"Kuzco's told me so as well, seeing how I can't do anything without his approval anyway... I suppose you're right. A day or two won't hurt."

Yzma's smile was still plastered on her face as she called Kronk to accompany you and help you pack for the long trip. It wasn't noon yet and it only took an hour (two depending on traffic) to get back to your village.


You changed into a shorter dress, seeing that llama riding needed to have you in moveable wear, and the dress from before, while elegant, was way too long to ride in.

Kronk walked in as you packed a small bag, knocking on the door as he slowly opened the door, "Your majesty?"

You turned, "Hello Kronk."

He smiled as you turned back to packing, "So... how's the palace life?"

"Fine... a little more intimidating than I thought, if I'm being honest. So much rides on my shoulders and we haven't even married yet." You chuckled sadly to yourself as Kronk looked to you in concern.

"But... you're happy with getting married, right?" Kronk asked, leaning forward slightly.

"Well... I can't complain. It's not like I've spent a lot of time with him, but regardless of, I miss my family." You looked back to the small pack that you had finished.

"All we have to do now is get married and my family will be safe." You breathed as Kronk raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"You... you really must love your family a lot, huh? I'm like that with my Pappy, I would do anything to make him happy." Kronk laid back in the chair as you turned.

"Do... do you have any stories you want to share? Like... a story for a story?" This was the one person who didn't see you as an object and treated you like you had knives for hands.

You wanted so desperately to make a true connection with someone. Kuzco would have filled that spot in a most dissatisfactory way, but Kronk filled that void oh so perfectly.

Kronk patted the spot on the sofa next to him, "Well... when I was five, my mom left and it was just me and my pappy. That was when I first learned to bake and since then, I love doing it more than anything."

You listened so intensely that it made the large man's heart flutter. He didn't want you to know that he helped kill your fiancé... well, tried to anyway. He doesn't want you to know about the plan either, because for some reason to Kronk, you were a treasure, you couldn't be harmed, not emotionally, not physically.

Kronk felt the overwhelming urge to keep you out of harm's way, even if it hurt himself. He wanted nothing more than the pain he saw earlier to go away, "Yzma said we leave before lunch, something about needing more time away from the palace.

He slowly stood up and embraced you, "remember, I'm here if you need anything."

It was out of character for Kronk to be so serious the way he was now, but he couldn't always be the comedic relief.

Especially knowing that you needed that support now more than ever.

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