A Pressing Engagement

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You were now sitting at a vanity in the palace, unable to see your brother leave. The palace guards were stationed outside of the room where you were given by his majesty, the emperor. 

Looking out the window, you watched as a messenger handed Pacha a letter and explained how you were now engaged to the emperor. Your older brother looked up, locking eyes with you as you waved and gave him a sad smile.

Dropping your head in your hands, you watched as your brother walked away with the ultimatum, let you marry Emperor Kuzco, or let his village be destroyed. 

Three sharp knocks at the door made you stand up as several servants entered the room, and the emperor himself strut in the room, "So, your brother has a few days to choose what he would do, seeing as I can't change the law that requires the head of the house to bless our engagement."

"For now, we plan!" Kuzco clapped and pigmented powders, jewelry, different types of fabrics and dress sketches, as well as flowers were brought out.

"We start off with a royal make-over. We can't have you in peasant clothing if you're to be my queen. You must impress if you are my empress. Ha ha." He sat on the bed as they held fabrics to your skin.

"Too light, I like the bold colors, like that blue and red. Ooh, gold! Maybe a purple. The green is sub-par. Love it, White is nice, but that red... Ooh, I love it. What do you think, sweet-cheeks?" He turned to you as you looked through the colors.

"The blue is gorgeous, but if we're talking wedding dress..." You looked to him as he nodded, "the white and gold..."

He clapped, and the servants brought out several dress designs, "Someone, get her a gown in that blue, I want gold trimming." Kuzco looked at the servants as they picked up the fabric, "Today please!"

They scrambled out of the room, "You don't need to be so harsh."

"It's how I get what I want." He had you sit at the vanity as the servants picked up brushes, "No! She doesn't need any of that. Not now, anyway. Besides that pink makes her look pale. It's sickly."

'Ouch,' you thought, 'it's not like your the prettiest potato in the pot.'

He turned around, "Hair people! She needs to look like a queen and feel like one."

He lifted your h/c hair and twirled around his finger, "sweet-cheeks, I've got a dinner tonight, it'll be boring, so stay here. You're in charge while I'm gone, I trust you have good judgment."

"But-" Kuzco walked towards the door, talking to the guards. "If anything happens to my fiancé, you're out of here." He smiled back at you, walking out of the room.

"I want to go home..." You said quietly, holding your necklace in your hands.


Kuzco sat at the dining table, "Let's get to the grub, I am one, hungry, king of the world."

He propped his feet up, "So... no hard feelings about being let go?"

Yzma smiled painfully, "None whatsoever."

"Kronk, get the Emperor a drink." She looked at him.

"Drink. Right..." He said very suspiciously.

Kronk prepared the drink, pouring the wine, then a drop of the poison, creating an explosion, "Wine, your majesty?"

Kuzco sniffed the air, "Is... is something burning?"

Kronk stood up, "My spinach puffs!" He ran out of the room, leaving the two of them alone.

The silence was awkward, "So... he seems... nice."

Yzma laughed awkwardly, "H-he is."

Kuzco played with the cutlery, "He's what, in his late 20s?"

Yzma laughed nervously again, "I'm not sure."

Kronk came back with hot and ready spinach puffs, "saved em!"

"That's great! You did a very good job!" They both praised the man as he set them down gently on the table.

"Careful, they're still hot." Kronk stood back as the king smelt the air.

"Y'know, Kronk, I wouldn't mind you catering my wedding, seeing how you're an amazing chef, I'm sure my bride wouldn't mind either." Kuzco bit a spinach puff.

Yzma coughed, "Kronk, why don't you give the emperor his wine while you think over his offer?"

He looked over all of the cups, then slowly took them back to add poison to all of them, "Hey, Kronky, everything okay back there?"

"Uhm, the drinks were a little bit on the warm side. Hey- did you see the sky today? Talk about blue." He made conversation as he set the cup in front of the emperor.

"Ah, yes, Kronk, riveting. A toast to the emperor! Long live Kuzco!" She looked at Kronk, who told her not to drink the wine.

Kuzco downed it in one sitting, "Ah, tasty!"

"Finally!" Yzma laughs, "Good work, Kronk!"

Kronk looks at her, "Oh, they're so easy to make. I'll get you the recipe." He holds up the tray of spinach puffs.

"Now, to get rid of the body." Yzma plots.

"Okay! What were we saying?" Kuzco pops his head up as if nothing happened, surprising them both.

Yzma stuttered, "Uh- w-we were just making a toast to your long and healthy rule! And to your new marriage that is soon to come."

"Right." Kuzco's ears flopped, "So, what are you gonna do?" His neck grew, "I mean, you've been around here a long time, and I really mean a long time."

Yzma motioned for Kronk to hit him over the head, "It might be... difficult for someone of your age, adjusting to life in the private sector..." 

Kuzco looked at his drink, "Hey Kronk, can you top this off for me? Be a friend, heh?"

Kronk looked to Yzma, who was still motioning with the broccoli. Kronk walked over to Kuzco with the pan of broccoli while he yapped on about how unattractive Yzma was.

He then slammed the metal bowl on the emperor's head - a loud ringing could be heard throughout the lab as the emperor, now llama, passed out onto the table.

Kronk stood over Kuzco, leaving a confused and agitated Yzma to configure a new plan.

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