Home Coming

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You rode the llama slowly as Kronk held Yzma ahead of you. Terrified of what your family would say, you practiced what you would tell them once you got there.

"Chica... I'm marrying the emperor." You tried with more enthusiasm, "I'm marrying the emperor!" You did it more seriously, "I'm marrying the emperor."

"Oh, geez." You slumped over, "I don't understand... they'll be happy about this. This can help them, this will help everyone."

You breathed in deeply and rode faster when seeing the village, "Kronk! The village!"

You sped towards the village, Kronk picking up the speed. You entered the town and got off of the llama, greeting the people who came to greet you.

"Y/n! You're back!" You smiled, hugging them back, "We didn't know where you were. We were so worried."

"I'm only back for a small, bit, I know some of you have heard rumors about the emperor, but I will be back and explain everything." You kissed their faces and headed up the mountain to the house.

The day was quickly ending, and you suggested an inn for the pair to stay in, since you would stay the night with your brother, "Kronk, this is wonderful! Don't you know what this means?"

Kronk looked at Yzma in confusion. "Uh, it's almost bedtime?"

"No! You fool! The love potion! You invite her to dinner and slip it in her drink, make sure you get a different drink too!" She held the vial up to the light.

"The first person to kiss her will create a trance unlike any other. The only way to break it is if she falls in love with someone else, true love." Yzma cackle, "which will never happen because she will simply be too busy with you."


You sat at the table with a nervous Pacha and Chicha who was ecstatic, "the emperor must be so happy to have such a pretty, patient, and wonderful wife like you."

You raised an eyebrow at Pacha, "Chicha, if you'll excuse us for a moment, I need to talk to my brother... alone."

Chicha raised her hands and walked back to the kitchen as you stepped outside, "why are you acting so weird? Did something else happen?"

You shook your head while pulling your brother out of the house, "the emperor is missing, I only agreed to be married to save the village, but I really don't want to marry a pompous ass."

You spat everything out quickly while your brother raised an eyebrow, "Now, hold on a minute,"

He looked around quickly before taking you to the field, "we have some things to discuss."


When you awoke, the llama gave you a smirk, "Hey, Mama."

You screamed as Pacha tried his best to calm you down, "it wasn't a dream! The demon llama is real! He's real, and he's going to eat my soul!"

"No, he's not. He's not a demon llama. He's just a cursed version of the emperor." Pacha held your hands as you stayed put in the spot you were at as the llama watched you, confused.

Unfortunately for you, your screaming attracted some unwanted attention, "bingo. Boys, I found the king's fiancé, let's grab her and roll out for that ransom."

Kuzco and Pacha had a small conversation as you walked a bit away, needing fresh air after hyperventilating, "he's a llama."

"The king's a llama... I have to marry a llama?" You brushed the hair out of your face.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed you from behind, ruffling you, "What do I do now?"

You struggled hard against the man, tearing your necklace off your neck in the process, "Boss said, knock her out."

And with that, you were out cold.


"Now, wait a minute." Pacha said after arguing with Kuzco for a solid ten minutes.

"This is Y/n's life, too. Let's ask her what she thinks, and we'll come to a conclusion." He looked around for his younger sister when the llama interrupted, gaining his attention once more. 

"Why should we? We had a deal! I marry her, and you keep the village. Unless... you wouldn't rather keep your sister and move." Kuzco crossed his arms.

Pacha sighed, sitting on the ground, "I want both. Haven't you noticed that Y/n has been a wonderful ruler since you've been gone?"

"What? How dare you talk to me that way!" He yelled at the large man.

"Enough! Let me find Y/n, and we're all discussing this." Pacha stood up and left the barn, Kuzco following behind him.

"I think she went back inside with Chicha and the kids. I'll be back with her. Wait here." He walked back in the direction of the house.

Kuzco walked around, kicking the dirt and grumbling, "Stupid Pacha. He doesn't think I can rule the way I want. Well, he's got another thing comin' -"

He kicked something metal and looked down, picking it up with his hooves, "This is..."

He looked in the direction of the jungle, "No..."

Pacha exited the house, "Chicha said that she hadn't seen Y/n since she left with us..."

He looked around the dark field, "Kuzco?"

Pacha walked around the fields looking for Kusco and Y/n, even checking the barn once more.

"Where did you guys go?" He walked along the fields, looking down at the ground when he saw something shiny peak out from the grass.

"What in the world?" He bent down and picked up the necklace.

"Y/n must have dropped this on accident." He deducted.

He stared at the ground, seeing soft footprints and hoof prints lead to the jungle.

"I wonder if Y/n and Kuzco went on a walk." Pacha sighed, scratching his head.

He looked back at the house once more before following the mixed tracks into the deep woods.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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