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***Virgil: A few years ago***

Virgil took a sip of his coffee and continued typing up his essay when he suddenly felt strange. He looked down at the coffee and then around the small shop. He had left it unattended for just a minute when nobody was here but the worker...which was his mother so there's no fucking way anyone would touch his shit! Especially since it was only six in the morning nobody comes in that early unless it's just workers getting coffee before work and even then the rush isn't until closer to eight! Come on Virgil it's all in your head. He looked up at his mother.

"Hey mom, just to put my mind at ease...nobody but you was in here when I went to the bathroom right?" He asked. She scrunched up her face for a moment in thought and her eyes widened.

"Oh honey I'm sorry I don't know I stepped into the back room for a moment while you were gone! I don't think anyone came in...I'm sure your drink was fine on it's own!" He sighed.

"That doesn't help my anxiety but thanks mom." He twirled his finger around the drink and his mom got back to work. He closed his laptop and packed up his school work. "I should probably start heading to school." She walked over and kissed his forehead.

"Have a good day sweetheart." He smiled and pulled out a few bills slipping them into her tip jar. She rolled her eyes. "you cant keep doing that Virgil."

"I can and I will." He gave her the two finger salute and chuckled as he left the coffee shop. He walked a few blocks away before feeling dizzy. He had finished the cup of coffee because he thought he was just anxious about leaving it alone. He stopped walking and leaned against the wall. Fuck. He started swaying as he retraced his steps. Oh god. Oh god. He was grabbed from behind and pulled into an alleyway.

"He's perfect." He heard someone chuckle, he felt hands on him as they ripped his bag and cell phone away from him. His mothers contact open on his phone. "Kid was going to call his mom how cute." He tried to kick them off but he felt so tired he couldn't.

"How long have you been watching this one? He's cute." Virgil felt them taking his clothes off and he suddenly felt cold. Tears fell down his face. Oh my god. He was going to be killed.

"A while." He was thrown into the back of a van. "Been watching him at that coffee shop." Virgil's heart started to pound. Oh god his mother.

"He's a good one." He felt a hand touch his chest and he felt cold surround him. More tears flowed down his face. "He definitely is still fighting the drugs though."

"Give him some more." Virgil felt a cup placed next to his mouth and he struggled to keep his mouth shut when they forced it open and poured the liquid into his mouth. He coughed but felt even more dizzy. He lost his vision and his mind went blank. He was at their mercy.

***two years later***

Virgil held his hand to his mouth as he looked at the year on the computer screen in front of him. Tears flowed down his face. He's been stuck here for two years and nobody ever found him!? How was that possible!? He backed away from the computer with the key he stole in his hand. He held it tightly to his chest. Today was the day he was going to escape. He booked it to the door that led outside and opened it with the key. He ran into the woods. Once he was far enough away he reached a park he screamed and ran towards the only person there.

"Please ma'am I need help!" She looked horrified quickly grabbing a blanket from the back of her car and running over to him.

"It's the middle of November boy! What were you doing out here half dressed!? With no shoes!?" She gestured at her car. "Please sit on the edge." He sat down and she looked him over. "You poor thing..." tears filled her eyes. She looked over and whistled, her dogs came running to her.

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