3.His mum's gift

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"Y/n, what's the noise?" your mother asked as she knocked on the door to your room.

The four other boys ran towards god knows where and then you opened the door.

Your mother's mouth was left wide open after seeing the mess in your room, or most likely, the room in your mess.

"Why are you kids covered in chocolate?" your mother asked while walking around the room.

"Uhm...Jinnie just brought the cake for me Taetae" you said with a nervous smile.

"Aish! I almost forgot. Happy birthday you both!" your mother smiled and hugged you both, letting herself to get messed up with the chocolate on you both.

She ruffled your hair and smiled, and then everyone heard a cute sneeze coming from your closet.

Your smile dropped and all the four of you froze in your place.

Your mother walked towards the closet.

"Ma, it's getting late. Just go and sleep" you tried to stop her but she only walked further.

"Mom, where are you going?" you nervously laughed.

"Eomma" Tae tried to call, but it came out as an yelp. It was funny hearing him yelp with his deep voice.

You all wanted laugh your heart out, but cannot because of the situation.

"Eomma, I think it's late already, you're becoming old, you should sleep-" Namjoon stopped his words when your mother blankly stared at him for a moment.

Why? Because he called your mother old. You mother can also be equally funny than scary sometimes.

And finally she opened the closet and you all waited for your mother to burst out. But she giggled.

"Cutie, what are you doing here?" she smiled as she picked him up in her arms.

You all mentally sighed in relief.

"The noise in your room could be made only by eight people. Keep it down. You all don't want your appa to get angry, do you?" she said. "And Taehyung, it's getting late. You have to get ready for your flight in an hour. Go to your room".

Taehyung nodded and left the room with your brothers.

Your mother too left the room with Cutie in her arms.

You locked the door and turned around, "Okay guys, you can come out now".

"Your mother has accurate guesses. She told eight straightaway" Hoseok said while placing a hand on his chest.

"I know right. She's the infamous Min Kao's younger sister after all" Jungkook said as a fact.

"Yoongi hyung, we should be more careful around your mother-in-law" Jimin said while walking towards the balcony.

God! They always love teasing you.

"We both are best friends Jimin" you said and Yoongi glared at Jimin for teasing him.

"Every best friends who said this ended up falling in love for each other" Jimin said. "I mean, that's the whole point of the story, right?"

You and Yoongi rolled your eyes.

The three of them started climbing down your balcony.

"Ah! Hyung, you kicked my nose again!" Jungkook whined.

And then the three went bickering all the way to their home.

"I can tell why they call you Suga" you said and Yoongi looked at you with confusion. "It's because you're sweet like sugar".

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