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"Yoonjoon" you said as you kept chasing your three year old son around the house.

He just giggled and kept running around.

"Min Yoonjoon, you better come with me. You have to go and bath" you told as you kept chasing him.

"No eomma, I sometimes sleep in the shower and you wake me up. I don't want to" he said and kept running.

Don't blame me. He got that trait from his father who is your lil meow meow. Who else sleeps while showering?

Yoonjoon's name was half from his father's, half from your family. 'Yoon' from Yoongi. 'Joon' from your father whose name is Minjoon, and also Namjoon because he was unknowingly the reason that those secrets got splintered.

You are thankful to the god of destruction for paving a way to open up your relationship with Yoongi.

And now, here you are, chasing around your three year old son who doesn't want to shower.

Yoonjoon kept running in and around the house, that was until this.

His head hit a a person's knees and he fell on the floor.

He raised his eyes up and saw his father standing there.

Seeing Yoongi, Yoonjoon immediately stood up and ran to you.

"Eomma, I have to go shower now" he said like an obedient kid and ran to Hoseok who was standing at the end of the hallway, near his room.

You watched Yoonjoon going away to his room silently as he dragged Hoseok. Or that's what it looked like. He was holding the hem of Hoseok's shirt and pulling him away.

Of course, he's always the obedient son when it comes to his father. Yoonjoon knows how it is to get lectured by his father.

"What was that?" Yoongi asked as he looked at you.

"Nothing" you said with a chuckle as you shook your head.

He walked closer to you and wrapped an arm around your waist.

Pecking the tip of your nose, he collided your body with his.

"I missed you" he said as you placed your hands on his chest for support.

"Lil meow meow, you were literally gone out just for a few hours. Now go and take a shower" you said and booped his nose. "Our parents and Yoonjoon's ajjushis are coming for lunch" you finished and pecked his lips.

Time skip to lunch~

Yoonjoon kept playing with his grandfathers, messing their hair, removing their watch and running around.

You washed the dishes as your mother and Yoongi's mother kept talking about how your mother used to sneak out of the house to meet your father. They both were like some college students discussing about their middle school memories as they kept laughing.

Finishing the dishes, you wiped your hands with the towel and walked towards the guest room to get Yoonjoon's toys which he just scattered around.

Entering the room, you bent down and started picking up the toys one by one.

Just as you collected them and put them in their places, you felt two arms wrap around your waist from behind.

You knew very well who it was.

"Yoongi" you said and he hummed as he buried his face in your shoulder.

"Lunch was tasty" he said. "But I didn't get my dessert and I'm still hungry" he said and you could feel his lips forming into a pout.

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