19.Ivories and pickles

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Closing the door behind you, you started walking towards him who was sitting in front of the piano.

Closing the door behind you, you started walking towards him who was sitting in front of the piano

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"Good morning" you said as you placed your hands on his shoulders, kissing his cheek from behind.

Pulling both your hands down, he made you wrap your arms around his neck from behind.

Kissing you hand, "Good morning, indeed" he said as you rested your left cheek against his chocolate brown hair.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" you asked while inhaling his intoxicating scent.

(A/n: Suga smells of trials and tribulations. If you sniff really hard, you can smell struggle on him)

"You were too beautiful to be woken up" he said and you giggled.

"So romantic" you said and he chuckled lightly, bringing back his fingers to the piano keys.

"This one is for you" he said as you still stayed in the same position, your arms wrapped around his neck from behind.

As he kept tickling the ivories, your smile never left your lips.

Once he was finished, you again placed a kiss on his cheek from behind.

"Now I regret not learning how to play a piano" you said and Yoongi chuckled once again.

Holding your wrist, he pulled you to the side.

Unwrapping your arms around his neck, you followed his lead by moving to the side.

Slowly placing a hand on your waist, he made you sit on his lap.

His chest was resting against your back as he held your waist.

His right hand raised up as he moved your hair to your side, collecting and resting them completely on your left shoulder.

Taking your hands in his, he placed them on the keys.

"Press this key" he said and you did.

"This" he said and you pressed the key next to the one you pressed earlier.

"Now this" he placed your left index finger on a particular key.

"And this" he said and you did again.

"Now do it consecutively" he said and you pressed the keys like how he taught you.

You nipped your lower lip with a smile as some kind of music got out.

"See, it's easy" he said and intertwined your fingers with his on your lap.

"I want ice" you said out of the blue.

"Ice cream?" he asked and you shook your head.

"Just ice" you said and Yoongi looked at you confusedly.

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