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Author's pov

Yoongi was standing near the balcony door, shirtless, as he stared at the sky.

Right now, you were changed into your thin strapped sleeveless short dark blue satin pajamas, which you were only when you're alone by yourself, or alone with Yoongi.

Reaching out for his pants' pocket, he took out the pack of cigarettes.

Placing the cancer stick in between his lips, he took out his lighter too, and was about to light the cigarette.

(A/n: This part was inspired from LOVE YOURSELF Highlight Reel)

You took away the lighter from him placing it aside on the nightstand and he stared at you.

You took away the lighter from him placing it aside on the nightstand and he stared at you

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"How many cigarettes do you smoke in a week?" you asked.

"Two or three" he said, the cigarette still in between his lips.

Taking the cigarette from his lips, you placed it aside too, along with the pack.

"Now Mr.Min Suga, make it zero" you said as you wrapped your arms around his bare waist.

"If no, you can kiss me whenever you feel like smoking" you said as he wrapped his arms around you.

(A/n: Suga used to smoke. But after becoming a trainee, he told Bang PD he would quit it)

"Then I wanted to smoke now" he said and you pecked his lips. "What if you're somewhere else when I feel like smoking?" he asked and you smiled.

Grabbing his wrist, you made him sit on the edge of the bed.

Taking your purse, you rummaged through it and finally took out a lollipop.

Unwrapping the lollipop, you looked at Yoongi.

Walking forward, you climbed on his lap, straddling him

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Walking forward, you climbed on his lap, straddling him.

After softly shoving the lollipop inside his mouth, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he gripped your waist.

"I don't like the taste" he said and you took out the lollipop from his mouth, putting it inside your mouth instead.

"Mmm, tastes good for me" you said as you took out the lollipop from your mouth, producing a sweet sound and you shoved it in Yoongi's mouth again.

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