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Author's pov

You tried to turn around, but the arms which were wrapped around you protectively, didn't let you do so.

Your back was resting against his chest as he scooped your naked figure in his arms.

Yoongi placed soft and wet kisses, trailing from your shoulder to your neck.

You held his hands which were wrapped around your waist.

"How long were you awake?" you asked softly.

"Not long" he said and continued placing kisses on your neck.

You slightly giggled and he smiled against your skin.

"What time is it?" you asked him.

"Twelve" he simply said and nipped the skin on your neck.

"So late?" you mumbled and Yoongi hummed while still nipping your skin.

"We should get up"you said and Yoongi placed his head on your shoulder.

"I don't have any missions today. We can stay like this itself" he said and you could feel his pout.

You smiled slightly and turned around, facing him.

He gave you his gummy smile and pecked the tip of your nose, "Good morning" he said.

"Late morning" you said as you messed his already messy hair.

"Does your stomach hurt?" he asked softly and you nodded.

Placing his hand over your stomach, he started caressing it.

(A/n: Cliché)

You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him.

"I don't think I can walk" you stated with amusement.

Yoongi suddenly hovered above you, and caged you in between his arms.

He kissed your forehead, then the tip of your nose.

You closed your eyes as you felt his lips on your skin.

Then your chin and he finally leaned towards your lips, Just when he was about to attach your lips with his-

"Hyung! Stop making love for a minute and come outside!" Jungkook shouted from outside the door.

Yoongi groaned and placed a peck on your lips.

You laughed at his annoyed face.

"What?" Yoongi shouted from inside too.

"Nothing! Just wanted to check if you were awake" Jungkook shouted from outside again and laughed.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and got up form the bed. You instantly covered your eyes because he was completely naked.

He chuckled as he saw you covering your eyes innocently with your palm.

Wearing his boxers, he picked up his shirt from the floor.

Climbing on the bed, he helped you sit and wear his white shirt which reached up to your mid thigh.

Detangling your silky hair with his fingers, he tugged a strand of hair behind your ear.

"You promised me that you won't marry anyone else" you said.

"I also promised that I'll never leave you" he said with a smile and wrapped an arm around your waist while facing you.

"I, Min Yoongi, take you, Kim Y/n, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part" he said and held your hand.

You chuckled lightly.

"I, Kim Y/n, take you, Min Yoongi, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part" you said, looking into his eyes.

"You may now kiss the bride" you completed and Yoongi leaned in with a chuckle escaping his lips.

Capturing your lips with his, he placed his hand behind your neck and cupped your cheek with his other hand.

You held his nape as your breath tangled with his, forgetting whether to breathe oxygen or the other's scent.

Yoongi slightly titled his head in the kiss and your lips kept moving in sync for a few minutes.

Pulling out of the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours.

"Don't we need rings?" he asked and you shook your head and stretched out your pinky finger.

He chuckled and interlocked his pinky finger with yours.

"Guess we just got married on the bed with barely any clothes on us" you mumbled and he chuckled again.

An hour later~

Yoongi helped you get to the living room. PS- He carried you bridal style there.

Jimin and Jungkook were already in the living room.

They understood what would happened the moment they some dark bruises all over your neck, and nail marks on Yoongi's nape and arms.

The JiKook couple looked down with a smile playing on their lips. Because, they're ship is sailing!

"Yoongi hyung" a familiar voice said while entering the house.

"Tae?" Yoongi said as he placed you carefully on the couch.

You sat there like a baby with your lips pursed in a thin line.

"What happened? Why are you here this early?" Yoongi asked and then he saw Jin and Namjoon entering too.

"Early? What were you doing all this time?" Namjoon asked. "It's almost lunch time and neither you nor Y/n are picking up the calls" he said.

And then you chuckled silently, remembering when Yoongi threw away his phone in anger as it rung when he was *ahem ahem. Poor phone, got broke into pieces. And then he switched off your phone to avoid more disturbances.

Yoongi just shrugged and then someone else entered.

"Wah! Kids, why are you crowded? Go and sit on the couch" you all heard Yoongi's mother.

Then she noticed you, "Y/n" she called and you faced her.

"What is it mom?" you asked as she sat beside you and the others sat too.

Hoseok also entered the scene and took a place on the floor.

"Why is your face glowing so much today?" she asked as she cupped your cheek and examined your face. "I mean, your face is always glowing," she said.

"But it's more glowing today," she said. "Did you do something else? I would love to try that," she smiled.

You blinked your eyes exactly twice.

'Are you sure you want to try that? Because even if I tell you how my face is glowing this much today, Yoongi's father is not home.'

You thought and the J brothers snorted as if they could read your mind

Your brothers already noticed the marks on your neck, they were bewildered and excited at the same time.

Only then, Yoongi's mother noticed the hickeys on your skin.

"Wait, are they-" she was cut off by Jimin who muttered under his breath, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Your son's love bites" he mumbled. "Damn, I couldn't sleep the whole night. They were so loud and- OWW!" Jimin exclaimed when Jin smacked his head with a newspaper.

"Calm down, Jimin" Namjoon said and Taehyung was mumbling something in his alien language.

Yoongi's mother stared at you blankly, processing everything. She stayed silent like that for a minute.

Everyone expected Yoongi's mother to get angry at you or Yoongi. But she didn't do that.

"I'm going to become a grandmother!" she exclaimed with a huge grin one her face.

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