a big lie

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Y/N's pov :

Since yesterday's incident I totally ignored bts and yoona I even changed my seat beside Jackson He is a good guy he doesn't know bout my and bts's conflict I'm not ready to tell him yet .

Time skip ( lunch time)

I was sitting with Jackson on our regular table

Me : Jackson

Jackson: yes?

Me : do you think my voice is irritating

Jackson: nooooo! Not at all who said that your voice is music to my ear

and he winked at me and I giggled he is really sweet guy 😌

Taehyung pov:

We were passing by y/ns table and I heard Jackson flirting and winking at
y/n I don't know why my blood boiled and unknowingly I kicked y/ns chair and she flinched

Y/N's pov :

I was laughing at Jackson's wink then suddenly someone kicked my chair I flinched at turn around to see Taehyung

Me : what's wrong with you??

Taehyung: nothing

He smirked and walked away that fucking brat

Time skip ( at apartment after dinner)

I had my dinner at my room and walked out I saw yoona and bts watching a comedy movie and laughing I ignored them and walked to kitchen and I saw sink filled with loads of dirty plates I sigh and stared washing them ...
After half hour I completed my work and bout to turn around and walk away but I saw yoona walked in and stand in front of me with a smirk on her face I ignored her and was bout to walk away but she hold my hand

Yoona : did you enjoyed your day hoe ??

Me : what do you want bitch ?

She left my hand grabbed a plate and throw it on the ground .. The plate fall on the ground with a thud she immediately grabbed on broken pice of glass and cut her palm a big cut .. she put that thing In my hand and started crying loudly then and that time bts entered the kitchen with a concern look

J hope: what happed??? What was that sound ??

Yoona run toward j hope and hugged him and showing everyone her hand

Yoona: look what did she do to me ( crying)


Jimin shouted

Yoona : I was just here to grab Some water but accidentally I broke a plate she got so mad that she slapped me on my face and cut my hand (crying even harder )

Me : what?!!!! Noo j hope she is lying I didn't..

Junkook: shut the fuck up so your saying that's she is lying??

Namjoon: why did you do that y/n

Jin: im so disappointed in you


Taehyung: y/n stop shouting


Taehyung: y/n don't test me I said stop shouting


Taehyung: Y/N!!!!!

with that I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek and I fall on the ground .. he slapped me .. I was holding cheek with my hand and looking at Tae in disbelief

Me: t..Tae

Taehyung: stfu I had enough of you and your drams how dare you touch yoona ?? What's wrong with you ?

Junkook: are you jealous of her ??

Jimin : fucking hoe .. always seeking for attention

J hope : guys let's deal with her later first let's take care of yoonas wound she is bleeding a lot

Me : believe me guys I did nothing... she is just framing me

Yoongi: do you think we are Dumb y/n?? How can yoona cut her own hand ?! She is not that desperate for attention like you

Me: yoongi

Taehyung: enough of your drama bitch. Jimin bring me the knife .. junkook hold her hand let's give her , her own medicine

I was terrified listening to it .. I stared panicking like crazy

Me: n..noo p..Please d..don't

I begged but junkook walked towards me and hold my wrist so tight jimin passed knife to Taehyung and he walked towards me I was begging all of them to believe me

Me: yoongi , jin please tell them to stop ... namjoon please save me ( crying harder)

I was pleading them but they stood there still holding yoona Taehung cut my hand just like yoona but bigger and dipper I cried with pain blood stared flowing ..
Taehyung throws the knife beside me and walked away taking yoona with him junkook Yanked my hand harshly and stood up

Junkook: your such a fucking bitch y/n .. I hope you die

Jimin: such a burden on all of us and this earth useless fellow

Everyone walked away leaving me alone crying

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