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Y/N pov :

I woke up in the morning stretching my body fully and when I open my eyes  I noticed that it was not my room,, it was dark here  suddenly door opens

??: good morning.. did you sleep well??

Me: good morning Jackson 😇

He walked into the room with breakfast and put it on the stand and walked to the window and opens the curtains to let sunlight in

Flash back [that night]:-

Y/n pov :

I was crying my heart out and a car stopped and a man walked out .. my vision was blurry because of my tears so I was not able to recognize his face from afar . He walked close to me

Me : j..jackson?

Jackson: y/n!!!!!???? What are you doing here what happened???!!

He asked panicking and concerned he ran towtowards me and sat beside me .. I was still crying it was hard for me to form words .. I was hurt, betrayed 💔 all the senary flashbacks in front of my eyes.. he noticed my hand and his eyes widen he carefully took my hand for inspection..

Jackson: y/naa what happened ?your bleeding a lot !!!

I cried even harder

Jackson: y/naa now your scaring me .. did some did something to you ??! Did someone..

I cut his sentence

Me : no I'm fine Jackson

Jackson: you don't look fine y/n ..

He pulled out his hankerchief from his pocket and tied it carefully on my palm.

Jackson pov :

I was heading back home from club  it was my friend birthday it was fun .. then it stared raining.

Me: thank god I have my car

After driving for 5min I saw a girl with lots of luggage on bus stop crying

Me: what is she doing here in middle of the night

I checked time it was 1:45am

Me : I think she need help I should check on her

I walked out of the car and that girl looked at me and I recognize her instantly that's y/n totally soked she recognize me

Y/N: j..jackson??

Me : y/n what happed are you okay?? What are you doing here ?

She didn't reply me she was only crying I sat beside her and I noticed her hand was bleeding very badly I took her hand and tied my hankerchief on her palm she didn't reply I was so scared at this point !!!

I asked her once again and this time she spoke and told me everything about her and bts's friendship.. her parents death .. yoona .. her lie and their reactions.. and that incident i was so shocked how can someone so cruel??

Y/n: that's y I left their apartment.. I have no were to go

Me : don't worry y/n You are coming with me ..

With that I got up and took her luggage but  she stopped me

Y/N: n..noo j.jackson I don't w..wanna be b...burden on you too
She sobbed

My heart broke into millions of pices looking at her I hugged her tightly

Me : no y/n You can't be burden on me never....! don't worry I will protect you

I hugged her tight

Y/N pov:

Me : n..noo j.jackson I don't w..wanna be b...burden on you too

Jackson suddenly hugged me tightly I was shocked then he spoke

Jackson : no y/n You can't be burden on me never....!don't worry I will protect you

Hearing those word my heart started beating so fast.. I hugged him back . I needed it .. I need that hug I felt safe in his arms I missed this feeling that I used to get when bts used to hug me when I was sad .. he broke the hug and stood up . Removed his jacket and put it on my shoulders .. I was blushing At this point he hold my hand and guided me towards his car protecting me from rain and I sat in the car

Me: let me help you pick the luggage up

Jackson: don't worry I got this
He winked at me

He quickly put my luggage in the trunk and sat on drives seat and started driving.. he then switched on heater .

He is so sweet..

Me : thank you Jackson

Jackson: excuse me !!! How can you say such thing ?? Mi a stranger to you to do all this formalities?? ( fake offended accent)

I giggled at his cuteness and looked out of the window looking at the empty , dark streets suddenly flashbacks stared hitting me


Me : yaaa jhope how can you hit me ??

Chasing j hope .. he was laughing and running everywhere

Junkook: yaaaa !! Who stole my Banana milk from fridge ?? It was last one

Namjoon: that was y/n

Me : what he is lying junkook trust me

With that I ran from there

Junkook: yaa you brat come here ..
Dancing on a song with Taehyung and laughing out loud

Jin: yaa how can you dance without me ..
(Started rapping )

Then joined us all Dancing wiredliy

Jin: where is y/n ?? It's dinner Time?

Jimin: she went to woke up yoongi 15 mis ago

Jin: what's taking her so long??

Taehung: let me check on her

Taehung entered yoongis rooma and saw

Jin: how can she be this care less (laughing)

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Jin: how can she be this care less (laughing)

End of flashback

Tears stared building in my eyes but I controlled it I don't wanna cry for that people who don't even care about me

End of flashback:-

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