Last time 😄

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Listen to sad songs for better experience!

Suga's pov :

She held Jackson's hand and walked away without looking towards any of us

I wanted to stop her and ask her the truth but I was frozen on my place , I watched y/n walking away from us untill they are out of my site .
Why does she think that we will trust yoona more ? I know we have treated
Y/n bad but she didn't even want to  explain herself.

Then yoona sniffed and draw everyone's attention towards her who were looking in y/n's direction like me .

Yoona : oppa it hurts

She spoke holding her arm at this point I don't care about her , all I could think is y/n , her statement is still playing in my head like a radio tape on repeat

Y/N : T..they trust h.her m..more

J hope : yoona go in your room and rest

Yoona : huh? O..okay

Then yoona started walking towards her room , when she was passing by me our eyes met but I broke the eye contact, I don't feel the same for yoona anymore if yoona should have kissed past suga he could have die with happiness but now I could only think about "y/n"
Yoona walked away and namjoon spoke

Namjoon: everyone come to our room I need to discuss something

And he walked away looking sad inside our shared room , I looked at everyone and they also looked sad and disappointed, before I could read them more they followed namjoon leaving me alone in lobby . I looked one last time towards the way y/n left in hope that she will be still there . But she was not and I walked to our room .
Everyone was silent and I decided to speak first

Me : I need to tell you guys something.

Now Everyone 's eyes was on me waiting for me to continue. I told them everything that happened when they left for a walk and their eyes widen

Junkook: you mean yoona dragged y/n out of the room ??

Taehung: but what was y/n doing here ??

Namjoon: she must have come to check on suga

Jimin: is yoona making things up?? Guys I don't trust yoona anymore from this point .

Before I could speak anything j hope spoke who was sitting beside window

J hope : ahmm g..guys is that y..y/n?

Listening to her name everyone ran towards window including me .
We saw y/n standing by a car and Jackson was loading luggage inside trunk .

Jin: are they leaving??

Taehung: what ??!!

Then I saw Jackson holding y/n's hand and spoke something and walked toward drivers seat leaving y/n standing there , she was backfacing us but suddenly she turned towards our direction and she looked up and I think she saw us . She looked at us and she smiled i was confused ,with that she sat in car  and they drove off.

Y/N pov :

After I walked away from bts and yoona we went inside my room , Jackson was really pissed off

Jackson: that's it y/n your not seeing them again

With that he barged outside my room and I stared crying, why my life is so fucked up? I can't take this anymore,  then suddenly Jackson walked in my room carrying his bags I was confused then he looked at me and hug me tight . And I sobbed again

Jackson: we are leaving y/n

I broke the hug

Me : huh??

Jackson: we are leaving from here , and I swear you will never cry again because of them

Me : what do you mean ??

Jackson: we are changing university . (He paused )we will move away from city as soon as possible

I was so shocked , my mind went blank again , and I was frozen on my place again . moving away from city? Moving away from bts ? Is that right thing to do?

Jackson: say something y/n .

Y/N: Jackson I..I , how will you manage

Jackson: don't worry about that , I will manage everything y/n I can't see you like this anymore.  It hurts

And he started sobbing I was so taken back, Jackson was crying because of me , I ran and hugged him tight like my life depends on that hug and he hugged me back he spoke

Jackson: you don't deserve this treatment y/n You deserve so much better and that people who you call family is not worth it. I don't want them to hurt you anymore please come with me y/n .

He was still hugging me I was thinking about his offer . my brain wants to go with Jackson and start a new life and my heart don't want to leave bts and stay with them forever doesn't matter how they treat me
And I  always listen to my heart no matter what.

But this time I will listen to my brain cause I can't take this anymore. I am fed up of waiting from them to hug me , and say everything is okay y/n , don't worry we are still your family and your ours

But I know that's never gonna happen they are happy with yoona and if they are happy I'm happy too . I don't want to be a stone in between their happiness.

Me : okay ..

Jackson broke the hug

Jackson: huh???

Me : okay I will come with you

I smiled and he kissed my forehead softly

Jackson: don't worry y/naa you have me I will always be with you no matter what , I will never leave you in any situation I swear

I nodded and he started parking my bags

Time skip

I was standing near our car and Jackson was loading our luggage inside trunk , and I was lost in my thoughts.  After finishing his task jack came towards me

Jackson: I'm done,  sit inside the car when your ready to go okay ?

Me : okay

Jackson: take your time

And he sat inside the car , I turn around to look at resort. I will miss this place , I was admiring the beauty of the place then I saw some people on 3rd floor staring at me through window and they were bts .
All seven were looking at me and I was looking at them . I was going to look away but I didn't cause it was the last time I'm seeing them and they are seeing me.
I'm gonna miss them a lot but it's for their happiness and so do mine . We were still looking at each other and
I smiled at them , they looked confused, but I turn around and sat inside the car

Jackson : ready to go?

Me : yaa

And I smiled and we drove off. Please stay happy

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