They trust her more 😔

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Y/N pov :

Jackson agreed to let me go by myself to check on suga , I was so much nervous. I was feeling dizzy like I'm going to fall on the ground any minute. What if they will not allow me to meet suga , what If they got irritate by my presence
So much scenarios were roaming in my head . With small steps I reaches towards their door and knocked nervously waiting from them to open the door and throw insults at me . But no one replied I knocked once again but no reply .. I waited for 3 min

Me : are they sleeping??

I hold the Knob and twisted it , and it opened

Me : huh?? How can they sleep with open door ?? It's risky

I decided to walk inside

I slowly pushed the door open and walk inside tip toed , then a sight caught my attention and my eyes widen

Yoona and suga were kissing.. omg

Yoona looked at me and she looked dam mad .. OH SHIT !

Yoona: what the hell .. you bitch

She walked towards me and suga looked at me with wide eyes , I fucked up really bad this time ... oh god what was I thinking when I walked inside??

Yoona : what are you doing here y/n !! Spying on us ???

Me : N..noo i..I


she screamed on top of her lungs . My legs were frozen It didn't move I swear I'm trying
Yoona looked irritated and she grabbed my arm and walked me out
She Yanked me hard towards the wall And my back hit the concrete very hard..she pinned me between her hands and wall

Yoona: why are you always ruining my chance with them huh?? WHY??

me : I didn't m..mean to

She cutted me

Yoona : shut up you fucking hoe ,, I had enough of you .. Why can't you leave us alone , don't you understand that your not their priority anymore

And she slapped me hard on the face
I was so shocked, holding my right cheek , my mind went blank .. I hate violence , and she slapped me again hard on left cheek and I know it will left mark on my face

Yoona: im so much fed up of you y/n Haven't you had enough huh??

He slapped me again and this time I wimpered in pain

Me : ahhh!!!

Jackson pov:

I was worried about y/n it's been 30 mis since she left I was still in my room waiting for her , but I was nervous like something bad gonna happen.. very bad feeling and now I can't take that anymore and I stared waking out of my room
Firstly I knocked on y/n door to check if she is back,

Me : y/n?? You there ??

no answer, no she is not back yet , I walked towards sugas room it was kinda far from ours . Suddenly i herd a voice .. it was y/ns I panicked and ran towards the voice and I stopped looking at yoona pinning y/n between her arms and slapping the shit out of her

Me : what the fuck !!!

I ran and Yanked yoona away from y/n And stand between them

Y/N pov:

Out of no were Jackson came and Yanked yoona away from me (my guardian angel) and stood between us

Jackson: how dare you touch y/n?? What's wrong with you???

Yoona : control your hoe Jackson and tell her not to come between me and bts ... THEY ARE MINE !!!!

she yelled

Before Jackson could say anything we herd j hopes voice .. yoona suddenly fall down on floor and started crying hard like a maniac

Fucking drama queen 🙄

Namjoon , hobi and jin walked in and they ran towards us and suga also came from other side hearing yoonas voice ,

J hope: what's happening here ?.?

Jin went towards yoona and bend down on his knees at her level

Jin: what happed yoona why are you crying???!

With that jimin, jk and tae came running they must have herd yoona cry ..

Taehung: what's happening here ?...

Yoona : y...y/n.

She stammered, wow like seriously wow I'm totally impressed by yoonas acting . How can she be this natural ?

Namjoon: what about y/n yoona ?? Speak up please

Yoona sniffed and spoke

Yoona : y/n And Jackson are bullying me !

Me and Jackson: WHAT??!

yoona : they saw me alone and called me names and Jackson pushed me hard on the ground

Everyone looked stunned

Suga pov :

When yoona pulled y/n out of our room , from that time I knew that she is gonna create a scene and I was right I herd yoona crying loudly and I walked here and saw yoona on ground and everyone in the lobby .. and she explained why she was crying

Yoona : y/n And Jackson are bullying me ! they saw me alone and called me names and Jackson pushed me hard on the ground

I'm sure that she is lying .. a few mins ago she pulled y/n out of the room before I could say anything Jackson spoke

Jackson: look guys . She is totally lying I saw her beating y/n harshly that's y I pushed her

My blood ran cold ... she w...was b..beating y/n ! And then I saw it , a brutal slap mark on y/ns cheek

And when I looked at my friend's they were looking at that mark too .. Junkook was right ,, yoona is one who is making stories up but I'm not totally sure about it that's y I kept my throughts to myself

Then yoona stood up and holds j hopes arm

Yoona : oppa believe me please

And she stared crying..

Jackson: what type of friends you guys are huh???!

Jackson suddenly snapped and boy he looked angry

Jackson: how can you trust a person whom you met few months ago over a person who spend her half life with you !! And all this shit you have created then also y/n calls you guys family.!!!

Y/n : j....Jackson let it go

Jackson: no y/n , tell them truth ! I will not let you suffer anymore.

Y/n : Jackson .. they will never believe me . T..they trust h.her m..more

Y/n stammered and started crying

Y/n:let's go Jackson ..

She held Jackson's hand and walked away without looking towards any of us

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