suprise !!💖

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Jackson pov:

After clicking some keys on my phone I put it back on stand

Me : y/n is gonna love it

And I got up and picked y/n in bridal style and walked towards her room and put her on her bed
And went back to my room

Next morning:-

Jimins pov :

I opened my eyes and found Taehung beside me..yoona stayed last night that's y he is sleeping with me .. it was spring break ... I waked Taehung up and we both walked outside our room to see everyone in living room all excited and jumping .. oh that's wired

Taehung: what's wrong guys ??? Y are you dancing wiredly like jin hyung

With that they all noticed us and j hope ran towards us in excitement and hugged us both tightly

Me : ahhhh hyung I can't b..breath!!

J hope: oh I'm sorry hehe (left us )

Me : why are you all so happy

Jin: yoona planned a spring trip for us all she even made booking.. WE ARE GOING ON HOLIDAY!!!!
He jumped .. wow yoona is best !!! I ran and hugged yoona and kissed her forehead

Me : thak you yoona .. we all love you

She giggled and we all blushed at her giggling.. she is so gentel totally opposite on y/n And that's the thing i like about her the most

Yoona : so guys be ready our flight is at 10:30 pm so pack your bags ..

Junkook: but where are we going??

Yoona : ahh it's a resort in middle of jungle , with ponds near by and jungle safari will be fun

She jumped on her place and we giggled.. and after some talks yoona spoke

Yoona : so guys I will go now and you guys pick me up @8:00pm okay?

Taehung: okay 👍

With that she left and we heded to our rooms for packing

Time skip [7:30pm] :-

Jin: guys are you ready??? Cab arrived come on otherwise we will be late !!

Jin shouted and all left their rooms and went towards the cab .. we all settled down and picked yoona from her house .and we all went to airport

Time skip :-

We all sat in our respective seats in the plane and I'm so excited ...  and after some chats we all left to our dreamlands

Next morning..

We reached at your destination and yoona spoke

Yoona : so guys hotel send us a car .. so we are gonna go with them and it will take 3 hrs to reach there !!

Namjoon : wohhh that's so long

Yoona : yess cause it's middle in the woods

We all sat comfortably and travled

Time skip to resort :- [ after dinner ]

Jimins pov:

Resort is beautiful.. it's so relaxing and we just had our dinner and food was breathtaking everything was perfect like yoona ..
We were walking back to our rooms when suddenly some girl ran into me .. her stuff fall on the ground and she bend down picking it .. all boys and yoona was looking at me now ..

Me : miss are you okay??

I bend down to help her and picked a book and handed it to her she took it

?? : thank you

Wait that voice sounds familier ..then the girl looked at me and she was ..

Me : y.....y/nn?!!

She looked shocked looking at me and she stood up and looked at everyone..  everyone was shocked looking at her we never expected her to be here , what is she doing here ???!

Flashback Jackson pov:

After putting y/n to bed I went to my room. And slept

Next morning___!

Y/n pov:

I woke up feeling sunlight on my face ..

Me: how did I get here?? Last thing I remember I was with Jackson watching movie .. I think he bring me here

With that I walked into the bathroom doing my morning routine . After taking a nice hot bath I got dressed and walked toward living room and found 2 bags .. that's wired !?

The Jackson entered the room with backpack on his back

Jackson: oh y/n good morning

Me : what's all this Jackson?? Are you going somewhere??

Jackson: not me we are going

Me : huh??

I was so confused.. he searched for something in his backpack and pulled out a catalog and handed it to me

Me : resort.... jungle safari

My eyes widen and I looked at him

Jackson: we are going on a trip

Me : what?!!! Really?

Jackson: yess

Me : but Jackson why did you..

He cutted my sentence

Jackson: cause I wanted to go...with you

And he blushed I giggled and hugged him he was shock for a sec then hugged me back

Me : thank you Jackson..

Jackson: Anything for you y/n .. now come on let's go ( breaking the hug)

Me : but I didn't pack my things

Jackson: don't worry look

He showed me a pink bag .. which was mine , actually I didn't unpack my stuff till now so it was all ready ..

Me : ohh ya I forgot 😅

Jackson: let's goo then !!

He pulled me with him outside with luggage.. he put everything in his car and we crashed the road

Time skip [8:30pm]:-

After several hours of traveling we finally reached our destination this place is beautiful 😍..

Jackson: wait here y/n I will bring room keys

Me : okay

With that Jackson left and I was standing alone with luggage,  I was observing the place it was beautiful I stared walking looking at the ceiling then suddenly someone bumped into me and my purce fall down spilling all the things inside it ..  I bend down and started grabbing all the stuff

?? : miss are you okay?

Then that person bend down and handed me my novel

Me : thank you

And I looked it him .. he was jimin ,, what ???!!!!! What is he doing here ???!
I stood up and turn around to find all bts with yoona looking at me  ..  why can't I live my life peacefully god!! WHY??

Then suddenly Jackson walked in with keys

Jackson:  y/n let's... what happed

He looked at me and the way I was looking and he saw all the members with yoona he looked shocked as me

Yoona: look who is here , love oh no  sorry fucking birds , what are you guys doing here ha??! Following us ??!

I was speechless at her words,  Jackson rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand and walked away taking luggage with us .. and all of them looking at me ..

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