Part 2

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Jet had settled nicely in a small studio apartment after working as a construction worker. He had always been rather creative, but logical at the same time, making him a perfect fit for the job. Though he goes by Kai now, he still turns when someone mentions a jet airplane.

He had been living in his apartment for a few months, but had yet to start unpacking as he didn't really feel like doing it. However, he got bored and decided to start putting a few things away. At the bottom of one of the boxes, he found something. He gingerly picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture frame, the glass front being filthy and even a little muddy.

Figuring that the picture inside would be fine, he turned the frame over in his hands and managed to open it up a bit and pull the picture out. It was a picture of him, Party, Ghoul, and Kobra together after their very first raid as killjoys. He teared up as he saw the big grin Party had as he had successfully lead them, the small smirk from Kobra as he was the first in the Fabulous Four to kill a draculoid, Ghoul was grinning ear to ear as he was allowed to set the building on fire- that pyromaniac, and Jet was smiling, happy that everyone made it out alive.

He started to cry, missing his friends.

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