Part 7

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    Party went up to Kai. “Hi! I am Parker, the store owner. I apologize for not being up at the counter.”

    “Oh, it’s fine. I don’t mind. I have been wondering when I’d meet the store owner.” He laughed. “I’m Kai.”

    “Nice to meet you.”


    They both wandered around the store, talking about different things, mainly comics.

    “Hey, when do you get off of work?” Kai asked.

    Party checked his watch. “I get off in like . . . ten minutes.”

    “Great! Wanna head to the music store with me? You said you liked singing, and I can play guitar.”

    “That actually sounds great!” Party said, looking forward to hanging out with a new friend.

    After Party closed down the shop, they headed out. Kai led the way to the music store.

    “Welcome!” The store owner greeted the two.

    “Hello!” they greeted back as they wandered over to the lead electric guitars.

    “We’d just need at least two more people to form a band.” Party said.

    “Yeah.” Kai agreed. He thought and yelled to the store owner. “Hey! Do you happen to know if a drummer is needed for a band?”

    “Technically no, but they are also considered the backbone of a band.” The store owner answered, walking over to them. “You guys building a band?”

    “Yup. I’m gonna be the lead guitarist, and he is the lead singer.” Kai answered, putting an arm around Party.

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