Part 10

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    A year had passed since the Fabulous Four were reunited. They had started up the band as they had discussed in the music store. They worked together to get a larger house with a basement so they can practice, moving in together. As they had said the past year, Party Poison is the lead vocalist and frontman of the band. Jet-Star plays the lead guitar and often makes listeners wonder how he is able to play some of the riffs. Fun Ghoul is the rhythm guitarist, and the comic relief of the band. Kobra Kid is the bass guitarist and the most level headed one in the group.

    They have set out an album and have started doing performances around Battery City. Many of the past killjoys recognized the Fabulous Four, which only boosted their popularity.

    They have started talking about where to go once they start touring outside of the City. They have agreed to start out in the desert, mainly in hopes to see their closest friends, Dr. Death Defying, Agent Cherri Cola, and Show Pony.

    Wherever they go, they know now that they will do as what Party had said six years ago. They will stick together.

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