Chapter 4.

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"Daystar?" "Lil Lady were here." I heard Jazz' voice pull me from my sleep. "Oh okay, thanks for waking me lightly, I don't do well with loud noise makes me think I'm being attacked." I told him.

"Your welcome. Boss Bot is using the location of the glasses now, if you want to get out and look." Jazz said. " Thanks, but no thanks I'm still aggriavated at him and Ironhide." I told him. "Okay. Fire it up Optimus." I heard him speak through his radio.

  I still cant believe Dad would allow that. Yes getting to the cube would save earth and the humans on it, But I was more concerned about Bee, Sam and Makayla to see past that. Maybe that was the problem, maybe he's hoping after they get the cube that they will still be alive and unharmed? I just I cant, It's not right. I guess that's why he's a Prime.

"You look like your in deep thought, can I help with anything?" Jazz asked knocking me out of my trance. "I am, I'm just trying to figure out why he would do that? Is he wrong? Am I wrong? I just don't know what to think until I see them again you know?" I said.

"Yeah I catch your drift, there's no way to know who is right and who is wrong, he's our leader, our friend. What he says we follow no matter what we think of the matter." Jazz told me.

I heard them talking about the allspark it was fuzzy but I then heard Jazz speak through his radio again "What about BumbleBee? We cant just leave him to die."

"He's die in vain if we dont finish our accomplishment.BumbleBee is a brave soldier, this is what he would want." I heard Dad say.

I got out of Jazz then and walked up to him and said" This is what he would have wanted to die for no apparent reason. Death is not a pleasant thing Dad. You cant honestly believe that Bee would come up to you and say'Hey yeah I'm going to go and kill myself, is that okay with you?' Well I guess it is. " I yelled at him.

"Daystar-" Dad tried but I stopped him by saying "NO! Don't give me that everything dies so new things can be reborn shit. I'm going after Bee and your not going to stand in my way." I yelled and started walking off in the directing that I could feel for some odd reason the allspark pulling me towards.

I didnt stop when Dad and the other's called my name, if anything I started to run now. I knew they would be able to catch up to me because right now I was only human.

I was now on a highway running. I could feel the allspark getting closer and closer. I then saw and yellow camero. It's got to be BumbleBee. It stopped and opened it's doors. I got into the back seat. I saw Sam and Makayla sitting up front and I was relieved.

"Omg I'm glad to see you guys. Are y'all alright?" I asked. "yes were fine." They both said. "Bee are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I asked concerned for him. "A little but I have had worse. " He said. "Where are the others?" Bee asked.

"Pit if I know, I ran away from them after Dad said he wasnt coming after you." I told him. "It's Optimus." Sam said suddenly. Sure enough there he was with the others behind him. Once he noticed it was Bee they all did a U turn to drive behind us.

"Guys where are we going?" I asked. "To mission city to hide the cube." Sam answered. We were traveling down the interstate when I heard a fimarliar siren. I turned around an saw that same cop car. "Guys we got trouble approaching." I informed the others.

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