Chapter 26.

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Daystar pov.

After 3 days of no contact from anyone, I had blocked every bond or com, I had even overided the lock on my door so no one could get in. I came out only to notice no one in the halls, I walked to down to the hanger to see that all bots and humans were gathered around a giant ship. It had landed about 50 feet away from the base. New bots? I guess I have missed some things, especially Jolt. I care about Jolt a lot but my spark doesn't pull towards his like mine does for the twins. I know it shouldn't after what they did but it still does. I don't know how much longer my spark can take without being with them.

It's said that once you suffer spark break you just die, How long can you go with spark break before then? I don't want to talk to Ratchet, when I fell like my spark is going out then I'll know. If it becomes soon then I'll accept it, I 'm not ready to die but it's not up to me. Maybe it would be better that way? It's not like I'll be missed, the twins broke our bond, Dad is made at me, Ironhide thinks I'm a tease, and Chromia thinks I'm a slut.

I knew no one heard me as hey didn't turn my way. The latch of the ship opened up revealing 5 bots and 1 small one. I saw my dad,Ratchet and Ironhide step forward to greet them. In the second row stood Jolt, triplets, T twins, and chevy twins. I turned up my audio receptors to see what was being said.

"We are glad you are here, my daughter is here with us now." Dad said.

"Well where is the famous primes daughter? I want to meet the little sparkling." A red bot with an Itailan accent said. Before my Dad could say anything I ran and jumped over everybot landing right beside my Dad.

"I'm right here, although I you can't say I'm a sparkling anymore." I said as I smirked.

"No you are not." He looked me up and down. I heard not two growls but 3. I looked behind me seeing Jolt and the T Twins with angry faceplates. I shook my helm turning back to the red bot.

"Yes Dino this is Daystar, all grown up now." dad said clearly looking uncomfortable. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"Er I never thought I'd have to beat mechs off with a stick. It's what I think the humans say." He said. All bots around him laughed.

"Daystar this is Roadbuster, Topspin, Leadfoot, Que, and Brains. Roadbuster, Topspin, and Leadfoot our what we call the wreckers. Que is our scientist, and Brains is a tech mech. As you've already met Dino he's a autobot spy." Dad explained as he interduced them all.

"It's an honor to meet you all, I can't wait to find out what a wrecker does." I said to them. The wreckers were smiling before saying in a hick voice "We are also honored to meet the only offspring of the mighty Optimus Prime and We would love to show you some time." They said.

"After you all settle in and get your car modes then that would be great thanks." I told them they nodded.

"Ah lassie it's nice to meet you." Que said to me as he then went back to talking something about science to Ratchet.

"Hey princess." Brains said. "Princess?" I asked. "Well you are the primes daughter and he's like a king so they would make you the princess." He explained. "I guess I can see where your coming from." I answered back.

"Well I'll let you settle in there's someone I need to talk to." I told him as I walked by Jolt and the Twins.

I didn't speak to the twins but I said "Iv missed you Jolt how have you been?"

The Twins growled again but I ignored them.  "I have missed you as well and I'm better now that your here. Want to take a drive?" He asked.

"Yes I would like that very much." I told him as we transformed and drove out do the base. Leaving two reconfigure angry engines behind.

I'm sorry I haven't updated this story or my other story watch your step but I had been sick last week and Iv been on vacation this weekend.

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