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Just like any other weekend night, I decided to take a ride around town. I needed a pick me up after another failed attempt to rekindle what was left of the last relationship I had with a girl that would rather forget about me. Maybe this time I should just let it go. No matter how many songs I have written for her, the endless love letters I left by the door, no matter how hard I tried, she's just no longer mine. I was willing to look past the endless third parties that came and go into her life.

"Joji, I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore with you." She said on the other end of the line.

"But baby, I just... I want you back, I've never do you wrong. I'll forget everything. I forgive you." I begged over the phone.

"That's it George, that's why I can't be with you, you are just..." She paused. "You are just not enough for me all that you've ever given to me, It's not enough, It's not for me, you just took everything in like a coward." She was ruthless, her words was sharp.

"But, I'm trying my best, I'll change for you I promise." I held back the tears that was fighting it's ways out from my eyes. "I love you."

"I'm sorry Joj, I just don't love you anymore." And with that she hung up the phone, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I know it seems stupid that almost every phone calls just ended up like this and yet I still tried, but I just can't help it, I love her.

I grab my leather jacket, sunglasses, helmet and other knick knacks before I left. I don't know where to go, all that I know is just that I can't be alone tonight or at least I can't be home, not when everything in this dumpster of a house reminds me of her.

A gush of wind hit me as I ride through the night. The New York sky looks clear and there weren't too much cars on the road. I thought, maybe they are all inside, having a great time with their friends, family, lover, or what have you, enjoying the remnants of winter and I'm just out here alone, riding nowhere. I could hit up some of my friends, but I'm not in the mood to hear all their nags about moving on. Shit if i could, I would've done that long ago, It's just too hard for me, 5 years down the drain? Who's not going to have a hard time moving on from that?


I rode my bike for a while, the cold wind started to make me feel not so good, so I decided to hit up the next pub I found.

Right around the corner from where I parked, I saw a dim neon light on top of a rather aged door, 'Sunny's' it reads. I chuckled at the irony of the name because I just know that this is one that kind of pub that opens when the sun bid its farewell for the day. I decided to go there, I mean there aren't much choices around other than a loud Irish bar across the road that's jam packed with older people. I just need somewhere that's more quiet.

As I walk into the pub, I notice a rather modern but still rustic looking interior, maybe they just revamped the place to be more inviting for younger people. The bar island itself sat in the middle of the room and there are not much seats inside, just a few tables on the right side of the bar and some more by the left side, but they have a patio with more seats outside and a few stools by the right and left side of the bar. The lights were dim and not much people are here, which is perfect for me tonight.

I sat myself by the bar and a man that I assumed around my age approached me.

"Evening, what would you like to have tonight?" He hunched over and rest both of his hand in front of me.

"Whiskey, on the rock, please." I smiled.

"Got it." He slides over to my right and starts pouring my drink.

"Quiet night eh?" I attempted to start a conversation with him, not wanting my own thoughts consume me.

"Yeah, It's cool though." He said as he served me my drink. "You ride?"

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